The Source of my Light 🪄

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"Why are you ignoring me, Yoongi?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't love you anymore"


5 years later ~

It's been 5 years since Yoongi and Mina have been together and they have never been more happier.

Mina finally has solved her situation and got Jimin into a better school.

Mina still has part time jobs as she continues to study in university.

Every evening, she always visits Yoongi and they hang out as always.

One evening, she decided to visit him as always.

She entered as she reminisced the past.

She continued walking ahead and suddenly a pair of hands covered her eyes.

She smiled at that and decided to play along.

"Who is this?" she asked.

"It's your favorite magician boyfriend" he whispered in her right ear sending chills down her spine.

"Ohhh, but I don't remember having a favorite magician boyfriend" she smirked as he heard him scoff.

He then removed his hands and walked away pocketing.

"Yoongi?" Mina called but he never answered and continued walking.

Mina just sighed and caught up to him.

"Hey" she tried to start a conversation.


"Oh, c'mon, Yoongi-yah" she tried to act cute but failed.


"Why are you ignoring me, Yoongi?" she stomped her feet on the ground.

"I'm sorry, but I don't love you anymore" he said making Mina's heart shudder.

"What?" she croaked.

Yoongi then faced her and chuckled.

"Why are you laughing at something so serious?!" she shouted.

Yoongi just ruffled her hair "Cute"

"Don't touch me! You don't love me anymore!" she stomped away from Yoongi making him chuckle a bit.

"She's still adorable as always"

He then teleported in front of her and hugged her.

"Yah, why are you overreacting?" he calmly stroked her hair.

"Because you said that you don't love me anymore" she hit him lightly on his chest.

"Who said that I don't love you?" he smirked.

She then looked up at him "You said so"

He then pecked her forehead "Yah, it was just a joke and you fell for my trick"

She hit him harder on his chest.

"Ouch" he made a weird face that made her giggle.

He then cupped her face "Hey, don't say that I don't love you, Mina-yah. You'll hurt me"

She just nodded her head.

"Hey, wanna hear a secret?" he asked earning her attention.

"Before I became a magician, I was actually a normal person like you" he said as he looked at her in awe.

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