Truth Untold 🪄

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The landlord once again came for his money which I still don't have. I decided to work extra hard this week so that I could at least pay in installments till full pay.

I did my normal morning routine and arrived at school early this time.

I still remembered about the money, so I decided to give it back to her today.

I reached class and sat down at my desk to get ready for the first lesson as always.

After that, I looked around and saw Jeongyo's desk, so I stood up and got the money to put it back in her desk.

I then sat back down at my desk and started scribbling nonsense as I waited for the bell to ring.

time skip 🪄

Finally lunch was done and we were back in class, when suddenly Jeongyo shouted "Ahhh!"

The teacher turned around irritated "What's wrong Jeongyo?"

"Seonsaenim, my money was stolen and I can't find it. It was in my backpack and now it's gone" she complained.

Hm...I wonder if she got the previous money back.

"Fine, everyone, put your bags on your tables and empty them, including you, Jeongyo" he said as everyone obeyed.

I then emptied my bag and noticed something different.

Wait, I don't remember carrying this amount of money with me today.

The teacher stood next to Namjoon and noticed money on my table and asked "How much was it again, Jeongyo?"

"100,000 won" she answered as my eyes widened.

How in the world?

"Miss Park, in the principal's office, now" the teacher ordered and I obeyed.

As I left the class, I felt glares on me.

"Woah, I never knew she was a thief"

"So unlucky"

"It's always the quiet ones"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I heard their mean comments.

I finally reached the principal's office and the teacher started questioning.

"Did you take the money?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Are you lying? It was clearly on your table" he said.

"No, seonsaenim. Someone must have put the money in my bag just to set me up. I promise I didn't steal it. I was having my lunch after I checked that my bag was empty" I defended myself.

"So, you're defending yourself. Is there proof that you're innocent?" I kept quiet at his sudden question.

"See, you're clearly a thief and we do not deal with thieves. What do you say, sir? Suspension or Expulsion?" he asked the principal who was facing the wall behind him.

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