This Is The Day I Could Die

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Louis' POV

It's been three weeks since I came back to Doncaster, three weeks since my mother invited me to have dinner with her, three weeks since I got my family back. I still can't believe that I can say that now. 

I almost didn't go to dinner that night, I was too scared to hear what my family was going to say. But as I sat at the pub with nothing to do I let my mind wander to Harry, the reason I came to Donny in the first place, I knew that I couldn't chicken out. I had to go and so I did. 

It was incredibly awkward when I first got there but as time went on it started to feel like I had never left. Me and my sisters were able to catch up on everything that has happened in the past couple years and I also got to meet my youngest siblings Ernie and Dorris for the first time. I was still incredibly nervous about what my mom was going to say during dinner but at least my father was nowhere to be seen. 

During dinner my mom explained everything about how my father was the reason for everything. He was the reason I was kicked out, the reason my family turned against me, the reason that I have had to hide my true self for this long. And all this time I have blamed Harry for everything that had happened. My sweet, innocent Harry. 

Immediately after dinner was over and everything was back to the way it should have been, I grabbed my phone and called my Hazza. 

Harry's POV

It's been three weeks since Louis tried to call me. Three weeks since I have decided that everyone would be better off without me. And now here I am in my car headed towards the place that ruined me from the very beginning. 

My phone is blowing up beside me with messages from Gabby and Zayn, the three bottles of vodka I have are rolling around the passenger seat, and the music is blaring from the speakers. 

Despite what many people might think after today I did not plan this, I didn't plan to go speeding towards Doncaster, vodka burning my throat, hoping for something to happen. I just needed to feel something because I couldn't stand another minute laying in my bed too depressed to do anything. 

Now here I am, screaming the lyrics to Shania Twain Man! I feel Like A Woman! Swerving slightly trying to keep the car on the now blurry road. The flash of my phone indicating that someone is calling me catches my attention from the corner of my eye. Louis name flashing on the screen makes my heart stop. 

Before I have time to think about it I answer the phone. 


I'm unable to say anything else when I see the headlights in front of me. I swerve quickly, trying to get back into my own lane when I'm suddenly upside down. Everything is spinning, screams echo through the night, this is the day I could die. Yet all I can think about is Louis.

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