Selfish Son of A Bitch

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Harry's POV

"So he just left?" I questioned, still trying to grasp everything that Gabby has just told me. After I came to the realization that all of this might be the start of Louis revenge Gabby and Niall had came into my room to ask how I was doing and to tell me about what all happened while I was unconscious. 

"Yep, he ran out the door and when Niall went to go get him he was gone." Gabby answered with a sigh

"He's not answering his phone either, I'm honestly really worried about him." Niall piped up from the doorway. As much as I want to worry about Louis I still have that thought in the back of my mind that he's trying to fuck with me. So, instead of immediately grabbing my phone to call Louis, I just roll my eyes and pretend that I couldn't give two shits about him. 

"What was that for?" Liam asks, eyeing me suspiciously. I thought no one was paying enough attention to me to notice my reaction but I was clearly wrong. I should've known Liam would notice, he noticed everything. 

"What?" I play stupid not wanting to talk to any of them about why I suddenly hated Louis again

"You rolled your eyes. Aren't you worried about Louis?" Liam questions, nicer this time, like he genuinely has no idea why I would be pissed at Louis. Which makes me realize maybe I was just using the idea of revenge for an excuse to be mad at Louis. Now I'm pissed off at myself because instead of talking to Louis about what happened I just jumped to conclusions and assumed he did it out of spite. And then instead of freaking out because he might be hurt I rolled my eyes and acted like I could care less about him. Which isn't even fucking true, I love Louis, I always have. I've loved him since the day we met, I loved him even more the day we kissed, hell I still loved him when that love destroyed our lives.

I don't think twice before I jump out of the bed and run through the front door. My head is pounding harder now and Gabby is screaming at me to get my ass back in bed, but I ignore everything. I need to find Louis, I need to talk to him, I need to let him know how much I love him. 

I pull out my phone and click on his number begging him to answer the call, nothing. I call again, and again. Over and over with no answer. I tell the rest of the group to spread out to look for him, we're not going back to the cabin until we at least know that he's okay. Once we all start walking in different directions I decide to text him, hoping that he'll answer. 

Me: Where are you?

Me: Pls answer me

Me: I'm worried about you

Me: Louis I'm serious 

Me: At least let me know you're okay

Me: Baby pls 

Me: I love you

Louis POV

I ran for as long as my body would let me before I had to stop and take a break. I'm sitting on the opposite side of the lake from where our cabin is. I decide to pull out my phone and let Niall know that I'm alright seeing that it's almost dark out, but my phone's dead. I put my phone back in my pocket with a sigh, I know that they'll be worried, but I'll deal with that when I go back to the cabin. 

I've been thinking about what I should do the entire time I've been running but I haven't settled on an answer yet. I know that I need to figure out my past before I can continue with my future. I can't be a good boyfriend for Harry if I still have the demons from my past telling me we both deserve to rot in hell because we are together. But I'm also a selfish son of a bitch who wants to keep Harry all to myself even if I'm not right for him. 

I finally decide on what I'm going to do when I hear someone yell my name. I know who it is almost immediately, even though they are still a couple hundred feet away. I stand up on shaky legs before walking in the direction of Zayn and Liam's voices. It takes about five minutes before I'm standing in front of then and getting dragged into a hug.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

"We've been looking for you for fucking hours!" They both yell at the same time 

"I'm sorry, I just needed time to think." I sigh apologetically

"Well you could have at least sent us a text!" Liam yells pushing me away before pulling me back into a tight hug

"My phone died..." I mumble into his chest but he doesn't even let me finish before he's telling Zayn to call the rest  of the group and let them know I'm alright. I feel bad, I do, but I really needed this time to figure out what to do. 

As we make our way back to the cabin Liam gives me a lecture about how I shouldn't leave like that again and how much I worried everyone. I don't listen to him though, I just give him little nods here and there so I don't get a different lecture about listening. I already know everything he's telling me so I don't need to hear it all again and by the look on Zayn's face I'd say he's fed up with Liam's speech as well.  


I let out a sigh when we finally make it to the cabin, happy that I can finally sit down and rest, but that happiness is short lived when I see the three figures standing on the front lawn in the dark. Shivers cover my entire body when Harry steps into the light coming from the solar powered lamps that are covering the house. I take note of the very noticeable tear stains that cover his cheeks. A pain of guilt shooting through me and I pray to God that maybe one day he'll forgive me for what I'm about to do. 

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