Who Made My Louis Cry?

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Louis POV
   "I can't believe you said all that." Liam mumbles shocked as we watch Zayn and Harry drive away.
    "How could I not? He ruined, no, absolutely destroyed my life and then he has the fucking audacity to tell me that I ruined his. The last time I fucking checked he still has a life. He still has friends and family and people still think he is an absolute God back home. Not me, nope, I'm the poor little f@g whose family disowned him because he got caught kissing his best friend." I start pacing as I rant stopping in my tracks when Niall questions what I have just said.
      "Wait you guys kissed?"
       "No, no! I-that's just what people think, I'm not fucking gay! I'd never! I-I..."
      "Louis,mate, take a breath. Calm down it's okay." Liam says as he places a hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me
       "Louis listen even if you did kiss Harry, even if you are...gay, our feelings for you will never change. You're our best mate and being gay isn't a bad thing." Niall says as he places a hand on my other shoulder. To say I'm shocked is an understatement. How could they think I'm gay? How could they say that being gay isn't a bad thing?
         "I'm not fucking gay! Why would you think that?" I yell pushing both their hands off of me. I cannot believe them, they are supposed to be my best mates.
            "Louis calm down we're not saying you are gay, we are just letting you know that we won't hate you if you are. Like Niall said being gay isn't a bad thing."
              "Liam how could you say being gay isn't a bad thing? Obviously it's a bad thing or my dad wouldn't have left and my mom wouldn't have kicked me out and I would still be able to see my sisters! If being gay wasn't a bad thing I would still have a family and my life wouldn't be this fucked up!" Once I reach the end of my rant I notice my yell turn into a slight whimper as I crumple to the ground letting my tears fall with each sob that leaves my mouth.

Harry's POV
The Next Day

   "Come on Haz you have to go to school" I groan as Zayn pulls my blankets back for the third time this morning. You would think he would have given up after the first two times he has tried to "drag my ass out of bed" as he says.
    "I'm not going, I refuse, I will not go and give that asshole the satisfaction of watching everyone destroy my life for the second time in less than 5 years." I mumble trying to hold in my tears as flashbacks from all those years ago as well as yesterday flash through my mind.
     "Don't you think it will give him even more satisfaction knowing that you didn't come to school because you are scared of what people who don't even know you have to say?" Zayn replied being the fucking smart ass he is.
       "Ughh fine but if I tell you I want to leave at any point today you have to leave with me no questions asked" I say sitting up
        "Deal" he replies giving me a handshake "Now you better get your ass ready or we're gonna be late and we both know how Mrs. Huff acts when someone's late" I shake my head with a giggle just imagining the little plump lady scolding us.

After about 20 minutes we finally made it on campus and to say I'm nervous is an understatement. I am scared shitless, I don't know what's going to be waiting for me through those doors. I'm guessing, however, that its most likely going to be Louis, his gang of dipshits, and the rest of the homophobic assholes that go to this school. 

       "Come on mate it's gonna be alright. I bet 95% of people that have heard about what happened yesterday don't even care that you're gay." Zayn says trying, but failing, to comfort me 

        "Okay and what about the other 5%? The hate always outweighs the love trust me I know." I reply grabbing my bag and my phone as I step out of his car

         "I know it seems like that now mate but hey you got me and remember our deal if you need to leave at any point we will, no questions asked." Zayn reminded me as he got out of his car as well

      "I know but I had to deal with the hate before when everyone found out the first time and I barely survived it then and honestly Zayn I don't think I'm strong enough to handle it all again." 

     "Mate you're stronger now than you were before.  Plus you have me now and I will gladly put whoever talks shit about you in the hospital." Zayn said giving me a slight nudge and a tight smile. I know that I have more people that will stick up for me now than I did back then but the difference is that this is the second time I have been forcefully outed and it fucking sucks. I thought that once I moved to play footie at Uni I would finally have the chance to choose when I got to come out. Especially seeing that I told everyone before that it was all a misunderstanding and I wasn't even really gay, that it was all a rumor. And I guess my lie was pretty convincing seeing that by the end of the year everyone just went along with what I said. That didn't stop the bullying,however, that lasted up until I left for Uni. It has died down a little since I've been gone but I still get the little comments here and there. And honestly who knew how much little comments like that fuck with your mental health? 

Well I guess I had forgotten because as me and Zayn make our way to Mrs. Huff's class I get reminded just how much those little comments hurt.

      "Look there goes the f@g"

      "Do you think he fancies us?"

      "Shoulda known him and Malik were fucking"

The fucking whispers never stopped, the farther we walked the worse they got and soon those whispers turned into yells.

     "Hey f@g!"

     "Like it up the ass don't you Styles!"

I look up finally taking in the faces of the homophobic assholes that are staring back at me when my eyes meet his. The feeling of pure hatred swallows me whole but it only lasts for a second when I notice how upset he looks, like he had been crying. Finally after about a minute of us staring at each other Louis puts his head down and walks away. And here I stand getting slurs shouted at me from every angle because of him and all I can think about is; who made my Louis cry?  

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