Friends? Acquaintances? Enemies?

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Harry's POV

"What was that about?" My best mate,Zayn, questions as we walk outside of the restaurant towards his car. I looked at him confused because I wasn't sure what he was talking about and then the terrible memory of the only person I can't stand to be around slaps me in the face.

"That's the guy I was telling you about, remember?" I question as Zayn lights a cigarette and offers me a hit that I quickly turn down. "Any other time I'd take it but not with footie season still going." I explain to him when he gives me a confused look. He nods his head in understanding and slowly takes a hit gathering his thoughts.

"So the guy in there was the quote 'motherfucking asshole that you can't stand because he is an ungrateful cunt'? He questions with a laugh, flicking the ashes from his cigarette turning to face me instead of leaning against his car.

"That's the guy, I'm surprised you couldn't tell by the way he stared at me with utter disgust and then flipped me off when I caught him staring."

"Well to be fair Harry my back was facing him and I don't try and get involved in random people's lives."

"This isn't some random guy though Zayn its my mortal enemy and isn't it part of your job as my best friend to help me with people like him?"

"Mate, I will be here to help you with whatever you need and if he ever lays a hand on you I will fuck him up, believe me. But Harry right now this is nothing but you two arguing with each other because you never talked things out. I mean you told me that you and him used to be friends, do you remember that? You said that you two were literally inseparable." He reminds me, gripping onto my shoulder forcing me to make eye contact with him.

"Stop! Me and him were never 'friends' okay. We were acquaintances that were really good at keeping our mouths shut. We never liked each other we just dealt with each other because we had to." This is true, I'm not entirely lying. We were acquaintances...who knew everything about each other and spent every moment of everyday together but that's because our mom's were friends so we had to like each other for them...right? I really need to stop thinking about this, me and Louis hate each other, that's just how it is no matter what our past looks like. Which doesn't even matter anymore because we were kids. We were naive and stupid and I couldn't see how toxic Louis was before, but he showed me. He showed me how toxic he was, showed me how he really felt, showed me how much he fucking hated me.

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