Niall Fucking Horan

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Harry's POV

It's been two weeks since I held Louis as he sobbed into my chest on the footie field, two weeks. I didn't get to talk to him at all that day, I held him for about 5-10 minutes before his sobs turned into uneven breathing and silent tears. Once his tears stopped after another 5 minutes he slowly stood up and walked away without a single glance my way. I sat on that footie field for another 30 minutes thinking about everything that had happened in those two days before I forced myself to go home. 

Now I'm sitting here on my dorm room bed listening to my only childhood friend, Gabby, fill me in on all the drama that has happened since the last time I saw her. She is standing in my closet throwing anything she can get her hands on at me as she talks. She got here early this morning and after I told her everything that happened with me and Louis she decided that I was in dire need of a party and how am I supposed to say no to her? I haven't been listening to anything she's said, I've been too distracted by my thoughts of Louis and right now I'm just admiring how perfect she is. She is honestly the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life and if I wasn't gay I would definitely have the biggest crush on her. She's a bit on the shorter side, which pisses her off but I think it's cute, she has beautiful long blonde hair that frames her face perfectly when it's in a messy bun, she's definitely the sweetest sarcastic bitch I've ever met and I'm honestly the luckiest person to have her as a friend. 

She was the new girl in school just as my life was crumbling at my feet so I was quite surprised when she came and sat with me one day during lunch and she didn't leave my side after that. I asked her 1,000 times that day why she was hanging out with someone like me and she told me, and I quote, "I don't care if you kissed a guy or if you didn't it's not that important honestly and I don't give two shits what these homophobic assholes are saying about me for hanging out with you and you shouldn't give two shits either. Plus they are just saying this shit because they're jealous that you got to kiss Louis and not them, trust me I am." After that we were inseparable, we were so close everyone just assumed that we were dating which ended up being the best thing for me because it helped people believe the lie that I didn't actually kiss Louis. Leaving Gabby was the hardest thing about going to Uni, well that and knowing that Louis was gonna be there. I actually almost stayed just for her because I just couldn't imagine not being with her everyday of my life but she told me to 'fucking leave' with love of course. It sucked at first but it got better once I met Zayn and I love him but Gabby just has this way of making everything better so I always look forward to the days she comes to visit. 

"Harry are you listening to any of the shit I'm saying?" She asks with a huff as she finally closes the door to my closet. 

"Not a word" I reply with a smirk

"That's fucking rude Harold, but I'll let you slide because you're having boy problems." she says as she picks up one of the many shirts that she had thrown on my bed. I love partying with her but the best part about it is that she always picks out my outfits which is always the most stressful part of going out. "You know I think I've said that same exact sentence before..." I laugh at that because she has many many times I just hate that its always been over the same fucking guy. 

Louis POV

"Damn Nialler this is quite the party you got going on." I yell towards an already tipsy Niall as I find him in the overcrowded living room. 

"Thanks Tommo glad you managed to make it, I'm gonna go grab me another drink you want one?" He asks not waiting for my answer before he turns towards the kitchen "Liam's should be around here somewhere!" I let out a slight laugh as he yelled over his shoulder at me. I watch him for a little while before I turn to go find Liam or at least someone I know enough to make small talk with so I don't look like a complete idiot. 

I've been walking around this damn house for about 20 minutes now and I still haven't found Liam. I already gave up on just finding someone to have small talk with because ever since what happened with Harry it's just been so awkward to hang out with the guys I used to hang out with. Especially seeing that most of them were the ones who yelled at Harry in the halls that day, it just feels wrong to be seen with them let alone talk to them. So, now here I am making my third trip around this goddamn house in search of Liam when I see him and Niall sitting on the floor of the living room. 

"There you two are I've been looking fucking everywhere, been around this goddamn house three times now." I gripe as I plop down in between them

"Well Liam just got here like the lame ass he is and I was out playing beer pong in the yard." Niall explains before he gets pulled into a conversation with some guy I've never seen before. 

"Where have you been mate?" I ask Liam 

"Nowhere, why do you ask?"

"I ask becuase you are usually the first person here so it's weird that you got here late." 

"I was just hanging out with a friend and we lost track of time." 

"Damn Liam you got yourself a girl and you didn't fucking tell me!"

"I never said I had a girl Louis all I said was that I was hanging out with a friend." With that he pushes himself off the floor and I watch him disappear in the crowd surrounding me. 

"Hey what's wrong with Liam?" Niall asks as he leans forward to grab some chips off the table beside us 

"Guess he's pissed that he didn't get laid tonight." I respond with a laugh taking another swig from my beer.

Harry's POV

"Gabby, stop unbuttoning my shirt." I say with a bit of annoyance as I rebutton my shirt for what feels like the hundredth time tonight 

"Come on Harry just leave 'em unbuttoned it's hot." 

"I don't care if it's hot." I giggle as she tries to unbutton my shirt again finally giving up l remove my hands and let her undo all but one of the buttons on my shirt because who am I kidding it is quite hot. 

"There" she says stepping back to admire her work. She's just about to say something else when something seems to catch her eye. 

"Who's that?" She mumbles nodding behind me

"Who?" I question turning around to see who has got her speechless

"The guy with the striped button up, got a plain white undershirt underneath, and some hot ass blue jeans." She explains like it's the most obvious answer ever. I scan the room when my eyes finally land on the guy she's talking about. He's sitting on the floor by the couch in the living room, pint in one hand, snacks in the other, and I'm about to tell Gabby that he's quite cute when he turns his head towards me and that's when I realise who he is. Niall fucking Horan and he's sitting by no other than Louis fucking Tomlinson. 

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