Apologies and Broken Plates

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Louis POV

"I can't believe you got that shitty ice cream." I mumble slightly nudging Harry as we make our way back to the car 

"You literally got cookie dough." He replies with disgust 

"You did NOT just talk about cookie dough ice cream like that." I gasp with unbelief letting out a laugh when I see the look on Harry's face.

"Why are you laughing this is a serious conversation!" Harry yells at me from his side of the car  stomping his foot and I can't help but smile at how cute that little movement was. I shake my head pushing all thoughts about how cute Harry's little stomp was out of my mind as I open the passenger side door and getting in. Harry follows my lead giving me a concerned look that I just give a slight smile to in order to let him know that everything's okay simply because I can't stand the thought of him being worried about me. 

"Ready to go to the place now?" He asks, starting the car as I turn to put the bags of ice cream and plates that we bought in the back seat. 

"Yeah, I guess." I mumble in response 

"Hey remember what I said, you get to choose whatever you do and how you feel tonight, alright." He reassures me, apparently he can still read me just as easily as he could all those years ago. 

Harry's POV

"There's no way you really did that!"I gasp in unbelief at one of the many stories that Louis has told me since we got here. We are sat on the trunk of my car in the middle of a field that I discovered when I first moved here.  

I'm honestly surprised Louis is talking to me as much as he is right now. When we first pulled up I could tell that he was quite nervous and I was really worried that we would just sit here awkwardly until I pushed him too hard and he would just up and leave. All of my worrying was for nothing though because as soon as we got situated and started eating our ice cream he started talking and hasn't stopped since. I was nervous when he first started because he was really quiet but the longer I just let him talk without saying too much the louder he got. 

"Well there obviously is a way because I did it and it was fucking sick!" He replies with a laugh taking another bite of his ice cream. I smile and just watch him because I forgot just how much I loved listening to him tell stories, he's always been the best at it due to how animated he can make himself. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He questions with a grin causing me to blush intensely as I quickly drop my head and stare at the pint of ice cream in my hands

"I missed this." I reply quietly worried about the reaction I'm about to receive from the boy, or I guess man, that is sitting in front of me. I look up just in time to watch the moment the words I just said registered in his mind. He lets out a sigh as he drops his head this time focusing on the ice cream in his hands. 

"I'm sorry." He replies, I sigh because now he's going to get up and leave and the perfect night I had for us will be ruined because I couldn't keep my fucking mouth shut. "Harry?" I'm crying now, hard. I put my head down farther and cover my face with my hands, scared of what he will do next. 

I can feel him start to get up and that's when I notice just how much I still care about him. Just feeling the car move with him was enough to re break the pieces of my heart that I fought so hard to put back together. I start to mentally curse myself for being so stupid to put myself into this situation when I suddenly feel hands. They're on my knees first, then my hands, and now they are resting on the sides of my face. My breath catches as I feel one hand leave my cheek and gently lift my chin. 

"Why are you crying my love?" Louis asks concerned, searching my face for any signs as to why I'm acting like this. 

"You said 'I'm sorry' and I just figured that meant you were going to leave and-and" I start to explain when he cuts me off with a slight laugh shaking his head

"Harry, I wasn't saying sorry because I wanted to leave."

"Really?" I ask with a hiccup 

"Really." He assures as he wipes the tears from my cheeks "Like I was saying, I'm really really sorry Harry. I-I shouldn't have blamed you for what happened it really wasn't your fault I-I just needed to blame someone and you were just the easiest person to blame. And I'm really, really sorry Haz" Louis is crying now and I want to tell him that it's okay, that I forgive him for blaming me for everything because that's just how much I want to have my Louis back. But I don't, I've gone through far too much pain to just forgive him so easily. So, instead I pull away from Louis and grab the bag of ceramic plates sitting on the roof of the car. 

"What are you doing?" He questions as I hop off the trunk

"I'm about to give you a very important life lesson." I reply wiping my tears on my shirt sleeve "Here I want you to take this plate and I want you to throw it as hard as you can until it breaks." I say handing him a plate. He slowly gets off the trunk and looks at me wearly. It takes him awhile but eventually does what I asked and he throws the plate.

He throws it once. Thud

He throws it again. Thud

And again. Thud

He picks it up and with more frustration and anger he throws it again. This time it shatters. Pieces of ceramic fly everywhere and the only sound is Louis heavy breathing. 

"Now what?" He asks finally catching his breath

"Now I want you to apologize to it." I reply, leaning against the car 

"You want me to apologize to the plate?" He looks at me with the most confused look I've ever seen

"Yes, I want you to tell it you're sorry." 

"Umm okay...." He agrees hesitantly as he walks towards the broken plate "I'm-I'm sorry." He says, looking back at me, waiting for an explanation.

"Did the plate go back to normal when you told it you were sorry?" I question hoping that this will help explain how I'm feeling and not just piss him off

"No, no it didn't." He answers quietly

"Okay, now go pick up that big piece right there and throw it again." I instruct

He does what I say but I can tell that he is trying to figure out what I'm trying to show him. Once he breaks the plate again he looks back at me waiting for more instructions. 

"Now apologize to it again." I tell him nodding towards the newly broken ceramic   

"There better be a point." He sighs shaking his head before he turns back towards the ceramic "I'm sorry." He says to the broken plate looking back to me unimpressed. 

"Is the plate back to normal?" 

"No, no Harry the plate is not back to normal. Are you going to tell me the lesson I need to learn now?" He questions very agitated with the fact that he doesn't understand why I am making him do this. 

"Yes Louis I will tell you the lesson now." I say with a sigh as he joins me by the car "You broke the plate, it took you a couple tries but eventually you broke it. Then you apologized because that's what you're supposed to do when you break something but It didn't fix the plate. However, when you threw the plate again it broke it even more so you apologized again but it still didn't make it better. It's the same with people, Louis. It takes a little bit of pushing but eventually you end up breaking them and then you apologize because that's what we were taught to do. But, same with the plate, people don't just go back to normal after they are broken just with an "I'm sorry." However, unlike plates people forgive the ones that break us after they give us that simple apology because it's easier to forgive and forget than to try to fix what was broken." I finish with a sigh scared of how Louis' gonna react to everything that I just said 

After a couple moments of silence I look towards him hoping to be able to see what he's thinking but as soon as I do I realize just how hard he's crying. I want to reach out and grab him, to grab him and pull him into my chest like I did two weeks ago. But just as I reach out my arm, he grabs my hand and pulls me towards him. 

And then I felt nothing but 





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