"Comfort before style...besides, I'm not looking to be noticed. I just want a couple of good pictures and then I'll head home." I explain, checking the lens on my camera.

"Life of the party!" Sally comments sarcastically.
"Oh I think Nirvana are next!"

I look over to where she is looking at the small stage. It's barely even a stage, it's just a small area where the instruments are set up on the same floor as we are standing.

Four members walk out, the drummer, a guitarist, a very tall Bass player and then a man with long dirty blonde hair takes centre stage with his guitar.

The way he holds the guitar tells me he is left handed and his strings are arranged opposite to your regular right handed set up.

He is looking down most of the time, even when playing his instrument, until he sings. He looks up, his face mostly covered by his hair and then closes his eyes as a melody leaves his mouth.

I can't get over his voice. It's mesmerising, but rough in places. It's like a completely opposite situation. Sometimes it's buttery smooth, and then he will yell and scream into the microphone with such anger and frustration in his voice. It's beautiful. I take a couple of photos of the band as they perform, and try to get a little closer for the perfect picture of the four of them.

I can see why Sally likes him so much.

After the set, Sally practically throws herself at the band. I can see her flirting with the drummer and then with the bassist. When it comes to the singer, he isn't really showing an interest. He has a bottle of beer and takes a swig from it before lighting a cigarette.
He's leaning on the bar, near where i am sat, trying to avoid anyone that talks to him.
I feel that so much.

He looks around and notices me, his eyes squinted slightly like he's high, blowing cigarette smoke to the side. As soon as I realise his eyes are on me, I look down and pretend I didn't see.

He says something to the bartender and shortly after, there is half a pint of IPA in front of me.

"Sorry I didn't order this." I smile.

"It's from Kurt over there." The bartender replies, pointing over to the frontman.

I look and he waves awkwardly.
I smile at him and he smiles back.

Sally approaches him, and now he looks really awkward. He smiles as she tries flirting with him, but his honesty shuts her advances down.

"I'm not interested." He states.

I can see Sally looking like she can't believe what she's hearing. She practically thinks she's gods gift to men, so to be rejected by this Kurt guy that she has been into for a while, must have really hurt.

He now walks over to me. What the shit? Sally is gonna hate me.

"Hey, can I sit with you? Or is this seat taken?" He asks.

"Yeah sure. It's free." I say nervously.

"I'm Kurt." He says, putting his hand out to shake mine.

"Alana." I say, returning the hand shake.

"You're not from around here. Why the fuck would you wanna come to this place?" He laughs sweetly.

"I like it here. I study photography at the University." I say, not giving much away.

Kurt nods and takes a draw of his cigarette, blowing the smoke to the side.

"You from England?" He asks.

I nod.
"Yeah. I moved here a few months back. By the way, your set was awesome."

"Oh thanks. We got an record coming out next year called Bleach. I can give you a demo if you wanna listen to a few songs?" Kurt replies.

"Sure, I'd like that." I say.

"I'm just gonna find where Krist put the cassettes. I'll be back in a minute." He says wandering off to find the demos.

Sally grabs me by the arm and I've almost fallen off my seat as she does.

"Sally, what the hell?" I ask.

"Let's get out of here. I hate this vibe tonight. God." She remarks.

Before I can say anything, she drags me out of the bar.

That night I unfortunately didn't get the demo tape. We went back to our respective apartments, which was fine with me, as I had to prep for an assignment the next day.
Sally was pissed that Kurt didn't show any interest in her and that he stated it.

Now a year later...I haven't seen Kurt since that night. I wanted to go to a Nirvana gig and see him again but work and University started to get super busy, plus I thought he would have been snapped up by someone already seeing how good looking he was.

Tonight however is the Bleach release party. The album he said they were putting out, actually came out and I'm going to see them again.

I can't wait to see him.

I wonder if he remembers me from that night?

I certainly remember him.

I'm Not Like Them (A Nirvana Fan Fic - Kurt Cobain! X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now