I walk down the stairs and see him sitting at the kitchen counter with my brother. I walk in and sit next to him. He looks down at my outfit and his eyes light up in approval. I smile at him and he looks down at my lips. I take the time to take in his outfit. He's wearing dark jeans with a white t-shirt that hugs his body, showcasing his muscles. He looks so good. Jonah clears his throat from in front of us and I remember we're not alone.

"Hey J." I say turning to look at him.

"Lil sis" he says back nodding his head at me.

We all sat and made small conversation while we ate breakfast. Jonah makes the best pancakes, even Aiden agreed. Once we were finished we told Jonah we'd be back later and we headed out.

The drive wasn't that long and we listened to a few songs, singing and joking around. It felt nice to be like this with him. Without the drama or the pressure of knowing this could all end. Everyday I think about his heart. What I'm going to do if he doesn't get a new one. What will happen if he leaves me for good. I feel the tears start to build in my eyes and I quickly push my thoughts away.

We pull up to a small cabin surrounded by trees. When we get out of the car he takes my hand and leads me to the door. Before he opens it he turns to look at me.

"Iv never showed anyone this before. It's stupid really but it's the only thing I found comfort in before I met you." He says while searching my face.

It makes me upset that he didn't have anyone after his sister died. Yes he had his friends, but I mean someone who'd willingly hold him. Let him cry on them. His parents should have been there for him. Instead all they do is bruise him and make him feel like he's nothing.

I reach up and cup his face before gently placing my lips on his. He wraps one hand around my waist and brings the other to hold the back of my neck. He kisses me back with so much love. So much passion it makes my knees weak. If he wasn't holding me up right now I'd be on the floor.

I pull away and search his tear filled eyes. He looks so hurt. So broken. My heart cracks in my chest and I want nothing more to change the look in his eyes.

We pull away and he unlocks the cabin door. Is it bad to say I'm nervous for what he has in here? When the door fully opens he walks in first, I follow him and I'm met with walls covered in drawing, sketches and paintings. There's also a desk sitting against the wall, facing the door. There's a brown couch sitting in a corner. I bring my attention back to the walls.

The art is beautiful. Every single one of them shows something.

"Wow. These are beautiful. You did these?" I question still looking at all the different colors and shapes on the walls. These are so beautiful. There is so much talent and time put into them.

"Yes, each one has a meaning. It tells a story" he explains coming up behind me. He wraps his arms around me from behind and leans his chin on my shoulder as I examine all of the art pieces. You can definitely tell they all tell a story. There are so many different shapes.

There's one drawing that catches my eye. This drawing has the brightest colors in the entire room. It looks like it was done with colored pencil. It's of a young girl. The drawing goes down to her shoulders before it ends. She has the prettiest brown hair that flows all the way down to her shoulders. Her eyes are a honey brown just like Aidens. She's wearing a necklace with the initial R and a heart. Her head is slightly tilted to the side and she has a small smile sketched across her face.

Aiden notices which drawing I'm staring at and steps back to take a seat on the couch in the corner of the room. I move my attention back to him and he stares down at his lap.

"It's my sister" he says quietly. I move to sit next to him on the couch. "I told you how she died. But there's so much more to it. The pain I felt. I found her dead on my parents bedroom floor. I help her body until the ambulance arrived. My parents didn't even seemed fazed." Tears are starting to stream down his face. "After they announced her dead I felt so angry at them. I wanted to hurt them. I started to scream at them and throw things, breaking anything I could find. My dad ended up beating me until I couldn't breath. I begged him to stop, my mom just stood there and watched it happen. I was only 17, all I wanted was for them to realize what they did" His voice breaks at the end and his shoulders start to shake. I hook my arm around his and interlock out hands. I rest my head on his shoulder and wait for him to continue talking.

"All I wanted was for them to hold me and tell me it would be okay. And they wouldn't, all they did was spit horrible words at me and beat me unconscious." His tone is angry now. His hand is twitching inside mine. "They blamed me for Raya dying. Told me she couldn't stand to be around me and took the easy way out. Part of me believed them, I'd always make things worse when it came to getting hit. They always tried to hit her but I'd stop them and make them hit me instead. I thought I was protecting her but it was only making it worse." Listening to him explain all the pain his parents caused him and his sisters makes me angry. How could they do this to their own children?

"After I told them about my heart, they told me they hope I die. That they didn't care if I did." He shakes his head using his free hand to wipe the tears off his face.

"Look at me Aiden" I go to grab his face and turn it towards me but he pulls away continuing to cry. I get down to my knees in front of his. "Look. At. Me" I say slowly. He turns his head towards me and looks me in my eyes.

"It got worse" he whispers. What's he talking about? What go worse? I furrow my eyebrows and he sees the confusion on my face. "My heart. I went to the doctor about a month ago and he said I have 8 months to get another one, 7 months now." He tells me. My heart sinks in my chest. My body, my mind, my everything freezes. My eyes start to sting and my body gets hot. No. No please this isn't real.

"W-what? Why! Why is it worse?" I beg him for an explanation leaning up on my legs. Aiden shakes his head telling me he doesn't have an answer for me. He pulls me into his lap and we cry together.

My heart hurts for him. He's dying and all he can do is hope someone else will die for him. We hold each other for I don't even know how long. I whisper to him that we'll figure it out. That we will have our future together long after 7 months. That I love him, I love him so much. He cries into my neck and holds me close to him. He holds me like I might disappear.

We cry, we kiss, we hold each other. And we pray, pray that he lives.

Please live.

Oh boy. I just broke my own heart.
This was showing more of Aidens trauma but Mia's reaction and her feelings about it.
And she finally found out about his condition getting worse! Ugh my heart 💔

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