CHAPTER-1-An Usual Commotion

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The book she had in her hands shook her wholely.It was originally published 5 years before,which was gifted by her English professor,but never had it lost it's essence.Ofcourse,Reality is always more better than fiction.Even her very breath refused to inhale the air around her.Nor the saliva to her throat.It seemed to be like as if someone have poisoned the air she was breathing.But the very second,the woman realised that she have been breathing the same air for 24 years and so took a deep breath.She looked around herself just to ensure that no one is noticing that inner side,her true self.Never have she ever thought that someone could ever write anything that much heartbreaking.The book always bought her tears for no reason or connection with her.She looked at those words again and again,and slid a drop of tear on those pages,which she was holding up for the past half an hour.

["They would lurk in every nook and corner and pull my hair and clothes, saying they wanted
to see if my hair was real or if I was wearing a wig. Once, two of them pinned me to the wall
and groped me, trying to find out what was beneath my clothes... (Bandyopadhyay, p. 94)]


The book slid away from her hands.She can't,when someone disturbs her,while reading any sort of book.The very hands wiped it's own tears and took the book back from the floor and hid it below her work files,but it was already late.The hawk eyes already noticed the abnormality surrounding the place.

What were you doing?

"Nothing,just like that!",she hastily arranged the files and started turning them back and forth for no reason.But the one who was standing there,don't have normal human eyes.Hawk and hawk!Of course,she had some magical powers with her.The hands threw the files to the other side of the working table and caught the thief red-handed.The girl didn't knew how to react to the one whose gaze felt like a fire burning her.

What is this?,the voice asked in a very deep serious tone that seriously frightened the former.

Amma...that is....,a book!!

Oow,thanks for teaching me that!..her words echoed with sarcasm which was obvious with her hands crushing the very book so much ,which for Vrindha,was strangling her own neck.

Amma...give me back..she tried to snatch the book from her hands with all her efforts,but all it had, atlast was to, fall amidst the commotion,in the hands of the middle aged man who was always one among the mature audience.He looked at the book and read it's title loudly.

"The Gift Of Goddess Lakshmi"

Seems to be a devotional book.Why are you not allowing her to read it?,he took the book and gave it to her beloved daughter whom he never raised questions much.She,who was not in any mood to appreciate her saviour,snatched it from him and blew out of the place.The man turned to his beloved and opened his mouth after processing his brain for a 100 times to say what.

What Valli?Why are you always picking up on her?

You don't know anything pa...The book she having is not....

I know...just leave it in her way..


No buts and so....,A book is a book.There is nothing wrong in reading any kind of autobiography.

I won't mind it,if she just takes values from that..,but

Not again,Valli...See,our daughter is 24 and all grown up.She is not your same Vrindha anymore..Our daughter ,one day,will leave us forever,disowning this house and us.Don't you want to be the reason of her happiness atleast until that??,his voice shook with his last sentence,but the man was used with swallowing his own worries that the world around him never noticed.

Valli looked at the man opposite, with her empty eyes.She seemed speechless.To avoid any unnecessary commotion again,he tried to divert his sensitive wife from the topic.

Leave this.I have some good news.,he paused and looked at the face of gis wife and continued further....I have got one suitable groom for our girl.He is a well-settled man with his own business and his family is having multiple textile shops in V-Nagar.What do you say?

What about the family background and age?Whereabouts?,the voice,so long in anger and pain,immediately changed to the tone of curiosity that her hands held out for the photo of her future son-in-law.Senthil took his phone out of his shirt pocket and handed over to her wife with satisfaction blooming all over his face,that he has atlast learnt the art of handling his wife in his 30 years of marriage life.


Blowing out of the room,she placed the book on the table and locked herself in the bathroom.She looked at the figure in the mirror which was all ready to burst out and just waiting for the final orders from it's owner.Brain,the very second,opened the taps and was the order,dang..dang...dang...The figure drowned it's face inside the bucket of water and shouted from the bottom of it's lungs,that the bubbling tried to communicate,which was again silenced by the running taps.She did that several times.,and closed those taps.She,again,screamed from her lungs,that shook her heart,which didn't reach her throat anyway.After repeating things for some certain time,she splashed the water against her face and opened the door to the vibration of her phone call,which was really distant from her.She took the phone from the charger and looked at the missed call from her schoolmate,Gayatri.She called her back,but it was busy at the moment.She wiped her face with the red towel ,which was hanging on the clothing ropes of her messy house.The phone vibrated again and this time,she picked it up in an instant.

Hello!!Tell me girl..Why are you calling at the mid of the day?I was about to take nap.,now.,she said hastily things that came to her mouth after her emotional burst out session.

We are having Reunion Party in RK Palace.Aren't you coming?,the voice on the other side started delivering the news to it's old schoolmate whom it haven't met for the past 8 years.

I have been never interested in any reunion.Past is a trash that has no necessity to be would just smell awful..,the very words which came to her mind,everytime when her past bothered her.Phone calls like this are more than enough to stay connected..,she said with a heavy sigh.

Why dear?Just come for my sake.You don't need to face anyone and fear for..

I am not afraid of anyone..Who said that I am afraid?I just don't wish to meet any jerk faces.Also I have to meet my client in the evening.Sorry Gayu,I can't join you..

When have you ever heeded my words..Take care!Bye!!,the phone immediately hung up on her as usual.

"People never change",the girl mumbled to herself and placed her phone back in the charger and moved back to her workplace with the book in her hands,but not really to read this time.

To be continued.....

[I know,that the chapter update is short and a very late update,but pls guys,cope up with it..I was busy with my exams.I will try to update more longer from next chapters on time,Tq:) ]

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