Whoops part 1...

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Regular american gospel busters IN DA HOUSE

A house dj starts playing as me and fanfic artist pick up out fingers and type. 

It was a regular day, skips was meditating in his garage and opening his fourth eye, the one that is in yo butthole, like that japanese monster.

Skips clenched his butt cheeks, imagining the person responsible for the downfall of the park.

Dookie had been banned from the park ever since the Ghostbusters came and abolished their rights to bear dook.

Paul Allen became the mayor of City, granting him the power to make MORE MONEY than Patrick Bateman, and also make laws and other boring stuff ig. Idk.

By outlawing Dookie, there would be no squelch in the kitchen or Zaza at this function.

Kira and Patrick made explicit love after this discovery. With a spoon. And a pork slab. Maybe what one would even call a brisket...It was the best family reunion party.

"What're we going to do?! Paul and the Ghostbusters are ruining my dream journal." Patrick groaned into his pillow, wearing his favorite Hello Kitty footie jammies and barbie thong.

"Baby cakes sugar mountain Boulder climbing icicle mushroom ninja star, you have nothing to worry about. Sure, there's more raccoons, Scooby-Doo sightings increased exponentially now that the Ghostbusters are out chasing ghosts, the mattress Wizard is back under the bridge, and Ribgy's whoring has increased the STD rate by 60%, but at least we have each other. " Kira nibbled Patrick's ear, distracting him from the massive fart he just released.

"You need to stop poking my back with that magic disco stick of yours or–GAD DAHMN. I'M GOING TO PUT THAT PLUG UP YOUR ASS IF YOU KEEP SUFFOCATING ME WITH YOUR ASS BISCUITS!"

"Bruh." Kira said using his phone app.

"Bros! Mordecai kissed

Limp Biskit starts playing as the Ghostbusters pull up.

"What the fuck upppp!!!" Said Peter Venkman, doing the metal symbol with his hands and twerking on top of the car with a siren taped to his ass because they broke theirs crashing into the dildo truck after seeing a particularly awesome mosh pit next to the planned parenthood office.

Egon fashioned mollys out of slimer's toe crust and peters funny white powder to hand out to the so called pro life generation, alex was there too, but only because his crotch felt like a hill of fire ants attacked him, and he had so much yeast he could open a bakery and a bar after sleeping with peter and rigby.

Alex grabbed his hemorrhoid donut, not to be confused with the one you sit on, and ran out the building using it as a shield against the protesters who were mad about him eating a fetus and crying. He then did a sexy pose by accident after tripping on a boomer and his milkshake made all the boys come to the yard. Ray gasped "Alex quick, get your clappers in the car before that scooby-doo gets you!" He flips on the disco lights located on Egons fat fucking forehead and they drive to the park. Winston walks out of the clinic "Hey y'all I'm back from my abortion!" He looks around then looks down sadly hanging his head "Man, I knew I would be used once in the episode then forgotten about...Oh well it's all good!" Then he does a sims spin and turns into glitter disappearing into fun dust with that one stupid cartoon sound effect with the wind chimes n' shit.

Skips opened his eyes, seeing a pink bearded monstrosity with his dinglberg hanging around like a filthy ape. Oh wait that's skips. That's racist. Like a...donkey on a zipline wearing sonic the hedgehog cosplay.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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