24]I'm sorry

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My blood turns stone cold and my heart drops.

Shit, Lorenzo!

Turning around, sprinting back towards Viktor's office (which is really bloody difficult when you're wearing heels) my heart pounds faster and faster after every step. Anxiety consumes me, not knowing what I'm going to find when I turn the corner.


A pool of crimson red blood.

My heart beats relentlessly against my chest blocking the air from my lungs as I'm frantically charging into the office, but all that's in here is blood.

"Lorenzo!" I cry out, not caring who might hear me.


Slumped against the oak desk is the dead body of one of the guards we previously left leaning on the wall, blood oozing out of the bullet wound in his forehead. Instantly my gaze spins back to the wall where there were once two guards, but now there's none.

Shit, where did the other one go?

Sprinting around the room, I cry out Lorenzo's name again as I look around for him in this huge office. Seriously though, who needs an office this fucking big.

"Lorenz-" My words become muffled when a large hand covers my mouth and a pair of muscular arms snake around my waist trapping me against their rock solid chest. Instantly, I grab their arm ready to propel their body to the ground until I hear their hurried voice.

"Lea, chill. It's me." Those words immediately calm me down. "We have to leave now, ángel." He whispers, slowly releasing me from his grasp, then he takes my hand before we rush out of the room.

When we still don't pass any guards as we run through the halls, the sense of uneasiness that was there before quickly creeps back. It shouldn't be this easy to escape.

Instead of taking the lift, we dart up the stairs which is really testing my balance in these heels.

Note to self, never wear heels if you're planning on breaking into a Russian mafia don's office.

Suddenly a gunshot is fired, then another, then another, then another. Next thing I know, my body is being tackled to the ground, barely swerving a bullet to the head. Lorenzo pulls the gun out from around his waist, firing back at whoever is attempting to kill us, whilst caging my body under his. Swiftly copying him, we quickly crawl up the stairs trying to avoid the bullets flying towards us from all different directions.

Eventually we manage to reach a door leaving the set of stairs and scurry out, gunshots still being fired. For the small amount of time we have without bullets flying towards us, we run as fast and as far as possible across another empty corridor, but not long after, Russian guards come bursting through the stair doors like a pack of hungry wolfs hunting for their prey. And I refuse to die as anyones prey, especially at the hands of these assholes.

Honestly, what's their problem? We were only breaking into their Don's office to steal some files.

It's not until now that I realise that neither of us have any idea where we're going or how to escape.

"Adónde coño vamos?"(where the fuck are we going) I yell at Lorenzo, if he has his usual secret master plan, now would be the time to tell me.

"Cállate y sígueme!"(just shut up and follow me) He shouts back. Dickhead. He's lucky we're being chased by a bunch of angry Russians with guns right now, because I would have ripped his fucking head off. Lorenzo grabs my body, moving it in front of his, barricading me from the increasing number of ammunition being fired straight at us.


What is he doing?

I won't let another person die trying to protect me.

Escaping from his protection, I leap forward before quickly turning around pointing my gun at the men attacking us.




Three men drop dead to the ground, bleeding out from their chests.

Just as I'm about to take a fourth shot, my next victim makes my blood run cold causing my limbs to freeze still.

What. The. Fuck!

My chest feels like it's getting tighter and tighter, yet my lungs are fighting harder and harder for more oxygen to fill them.

I am not scared!

I hear someone shouting something near me, but my ears are ringing too much to make it audible enough for me to hear clearly. All I can focus on is the face in front of me, not the bullets being fired at me, not the the fact that we are massively out numbered, just the person standing there stealing my attention.

You do not scare me!

Suddenly, my body is hoisted up into the air, but I don't know by who nor do I seem to care at the moment. It's as if all my senses and common sense has been numbed, unable to function properly. Swiftly, they turn in the opposite direction, caring me with them. As soon as my gaze is ripped away, my senses restart and I'm instantly aware of my surroundings again.



Dead bodies.

Lorenzo carrying me.

Wait, why is Lorenzo carrying me?

"Bajóme!"(put me down) I scream up at him, but he doesn't both to even look at me, he's too preoccupied by the men shooting at us and getting us out of here alive.

"Joder no!"(fuck no) He yells back, except it sounds more like a grunt, like he's in pain but trying to hide it.

Somehow Lorenzo manages to escape through another pair of doors before a bullet pierces the back of his head and thankfully these doors lead us to the car park where all the guests cars have been kept. More like limos but that's not important at the moment. Only now does Lorenzo place me on my feet lifting me out of his arms, then using his spare hand (the one not holding a gun) to dig for the keys in his pocket and unlocks the car. Following swiftly behind him as he sprints to the vehicle, although it doesn't take long until the Russians are after us again. We both climb into the car as quickly as possible, ducking our heads attempting to dodge their bullets. The car's tyres screech as Lorenzo speeds out of the car park, not looking back.

"Why aren't they following us?" I ask out of breath, looking back at the guards just watching us leave.

"I don't know." He grunts. My attention snaps back to him and my eyes search his body for any sign of injury. Although it doesn't take me long to notice the bullet wound bleeding out in his right arm.

"Shit, Lorenzo. What happened?" I gasp quietly, slowly bringing my hand to the wound to gauge how bad it is. Luckily it's not that deep, but it's going to hurt like a motherfucker to take it out.

"What do you thin happened Lea?" He snarls, nostrils flared as his grasp around the steering wheel tightens and his gaze hardens on the road he's speeding down. "What the fuck were you thinking! I told you to listen to me, but instead you did what you wanted to do, like usual! God, why do you have to be so fucking stubborn!" He growls, slamming his left hand against the steering wheel before rubbing it across his upper lip. His breathes come out so heavy his whole body is practically shaking. And it forces the two words that hardly ever leave my mouth to slip out.

"I'm sorry."


Guess who's back, back again!

Long time no see. I know I've been gone for a while, but life has been so hectic and I know I always so that. To be honest I can't promise when my next update will be between mock exams, writer's block and just life in general.

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and I'll update as soon as I can.

Until next time - N

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