1]Black jeep

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After hours of yelling, the house fell silent.

About fucking time!

This cycle of arguing and sneaking out every night is getting a bit annoying, it's not like I can do anything in this shit hole town anyways.

I waited five more minutes before silently tiptoeing my way past my mum and Chris, who are past out on the sofa as usual. Empty along with shattered whiskey bottles, are dispersed across the old tattered floor. Without waisting another second, I open my flat door then closing it carefully behind me; last thing I need is those idiots waking up. Who knows what mood Chris will be in when he wakes up.

Oh I don't know Lea, it's not like he always wakes up angry.

Shut up Bitch.

What am I going to do with myself for the night? Urgh, screw this shitty town. With nothing better to do with my time, I wander to the local park, avoiding any alleyways.

For once, I'm not in the mood to be stabbed.

Shortly reaching the park, I sit down on a swing, slightly swinging myself back and forth as I look down at my phone. Moments later, my phone buzzes causing me to look down to see who text me.

Don't bother coming home unless you have booze!

Yeah sure, I'll just get your alcoholic ass more alcohol cause that makes perfect sense.

Just as I'm about to get up and leave, I notice a black Jeep at the top of the road; a barely noticeable figure situated in the drivers seat. That car is far too expensive to belong to anybody in this neighbourhood.

Lea, what are you doing staring at the Jeep? The creep is going to realise you saw them you whore.

Acting as if the Jeep isn't there, I make my way to the nearest shop that sells whiskey. Twenty minutes later, and I reach a small off license shop. As I step into the shop, I notice the exact same black Jeep park up outside the shop.

Well, looks like I'm going to die tonight.

Taking my time, I wonder down ever aisle of this shop until reaching the whiskey, I pick up a bottle of Jack Daniels before walking up to the cashier to pay. Leaving the shop, I check the time, (03:45)then turn to stroll back home.

"Leandra Álvarez." A deep voice with a faint Spanish accent speaks. I turn back around, a shadowy  figure leaning against one of the shop's brick walls with a lit cigarette resting in their mouth.

"No, sorry." I answer. Obviously I'm lying but I'm not going to tell this creep who I am. WAIT! How does he know my name? The figure straightens up, easily towering over me and my small figure.

"That wasn't a question, I know who you are." He smugly replies taking the cigarette out of his mouth blowing out the smoke.

"Who are you and how the fuck do you know who I am?" I question whilst crossing my arms and standing up straight. That's right motherfucker, you don't scare me.

The figure steps out of the darkness, instantly I look up into his brown eyes glaring, but he just smirks; pissing me off even more.

Arrogant arsehole.

"I'm Lorenzo, a friend of your father, Santiago Álvarez."He eventually informs me, still with that god damn smirk plastered on his face.

I freeze at the mention of my dad. My mum always told me he was a heartless monster. Knowing that he would want to find me one day, I had to train and prepare for his 'lifestyle' (whatever the hell that means). Well, that's what she always told me.

"Your dad has been searching for you for eighteen years. He wants you to go to Spain to be with him and your brothers" Lorenzo adds when I don't respond. Wait, BROTHERS! Why hasn't my mum told me about my brothers?

Gosh Lea stop staring at him like a goldfish!

"And why should I believe you?" I question him again hardening my glare. He glares back still with that stupid smirk. God, this guy really knows how to get on my nerves. We glare at each other for a good five minutes, both too stubborn to stop.

"Your right," he clears his thought," If you change your mind, met me here tomorrow night at one thirty in the morning and I'll take you to Spain to see him." Lorenzo smirks one last time before turning around to get in his Jeep and speed off down the road.

Of course I was right, I'm always right.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, anxiety radiates through my body as I look at the message.


Oh no, what time is it? 04:28. SHIT! Immediately I spin round and sprint my way back home as fast as I can possibly go. If I don't get back soon, who knows what he will do?

Eventually, swinging open the door, I hold the whiskey bottle in the air.

"Chris I have your whiskey!" I announce confidently with a bold expression on my face.

The sound of Chris bursting into the room causes me to turn around and look him dead in the eye; he storms up to me, rage coursing through his veins, yanking the whiskey out of my hand. We stare at each other with our most deadly glares, mines far more intimidating obviously. Seconds later, Chris suspends his left hand into my jaw; unfazed I turn my glare back to him. What did the weak fuck expect to happen when he beats me pretty much every night, for me to be screaming in pain? I think not. I'm not scared about what he could do to me (I'm used to it all by now), It's what he could  do to my mum. So far he hasn't hit her, but I wouldn't put it past him and I'm not taking any chances. Suddenly he throws another punch, this time on my left cheek and with more force. I stagger back slightly, but having to quickly preparing myself as he continues to hit me. One punch is thrown at my chest, four at my ribs, three at my stomach and two more on my cheek.

Once he's satisfied, Chris stumbles towards the kitchen counter picking up the bottle of whiskey guzzling it down as he leaves the room.


First chapter done.
What do you guys think?
Sorry if the translations are wrong feel free to correct me and I will change them.

Until next time - N

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