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A light knocking on the door breaks me from my trance, I turn to answer but the culprit has already entered the room.

"Santiago is being a real dickhead. You're right you should go to London, you grew up there." Carmen enlightens me. I chuckle in response.

"Thanks, fuck them anyways I am going and there is nothing they can do to stop me." Carmens eyes avert to the shattered vase behind my figure then back to me, although I only shrug carelessly.

"What? It wasn't me, it was Picasso. Blame him" Carmen and I both laugh at my answer, suddenly an idea emerges in my head.

"You should come to London with us. I can sneak you onto the plane." I gasp, without hesitation; Carmen agrees.

We spend the rest of the night brain storming ideas on how to sneaky Carmen on the plane while making sure no one realises. In the end we decided 'fuck it'. We will show up to the runway together and the boys will have to deal with it. If they have an issue then that is their fucking problem. Not ours.


By ten in the morning, everyone was ready to leave for the airport. We all fight for a seat in the range rover, I manage to obtain the front seat, unfortunately for Carmen she is stuck between Ruby and Picasso. Lorenzo and Diego stay outside the car arguing about who is driving and who is going to have to sit in the boot (with all the bags) on a pull out seat. To no surprise, Lorenzo wins abandoning Dora and climbing into the drivers seat. I ignore him as I focus out the window but diverts to Diego when he struggles to clamber into the boot. Eventually all the bags collapse from under him, sending him tumbling to the ground. Everyone burst out laughing, although Dora doesn't see the humour, instead he flicks us off.

Someone is in a shitty mood.

At last Diego sits down, allowing Lorenzo to accelerate down the motor way towards the private runway. He almost run over at least twenty people. Fucking psicótic (psychotic). In no time at all we arrive at the runway, a jet almost identical to the previous one is already present waiting for us. Carmen and I scramble to attain the best seats whilst the boys are distracted gathering the bags, I choose a reclining black leather window seat and Carmen decides on a reclining beach leather seat with a tv. Once the boys bored the plane, they are forced to sit in the remaining seats, non of which are as good as ours.

Oh well. If you snooze you loose bitch.

After everyone is seated the pilot steers the plane to the runway before gathering momentum and taking off up into the sky. I observe as the land decreases as we increase higher in the air until Spain is no longer in view. I only now comprehend how disastrous this whole trip is going to be, even if my mother isn't home Chris sure as hell will. Is Chris apart of the Russian mafia? If so, what significance is he to them? My thoughts are blocked when I look up and acknowledge the figure now sitting opposite me emotionless leaning bak in their chair and their elbow resting on the arm rest with their hand holding their chin.

"What do you want Lucifer?" I raise my eyebrow questioning him.

"For you to go back to Barcelona ángel." He responds blankly. Well tough luck dickhead. I narrow my eyes at him but he continues.

"But you are here now and there is nothing I can do about that because you are fucking stubborn." He stops again.

"You better be going somewhere with this." I warn him although he doesn't answer. "If you have nothing else to say then fuck off. I don't need you lecturing me." For the first time since he sat down he smirked. An attractive smirk.


An amused smirk! I said AMUSED!

"As you know your mother is away, most likely doing business for the Russian mafia, in America. I have just been given conformation that your stepfather has also left the country. Therefore we have two weeks to find what we are looking for and return back to Barcelona. All without anyones knowledge." He enlightens me altering back to his serious demeanour. I instantly relax with the knowledge of Chris leaving the country, hopefully making that aspect of the operation easier. However in my neighbourhood everyone knows everyone, meaning that sneaking around without their recognition will be the extremely difficult part.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" I ask. If I am actually aware of what it is we are searching for then I might have and idea on where to find it. Although lucifer over here just shrugs. Not helping putada (bitch). I Shoot him an irritated glare, he props his elbows on his knees changing his blank expression into his signature smirk.

"All I know is that we are looking for files, documents, memory sticks. Anything that could hold any valuable information." He enlightens me.

I have absolutely no clue on where to look first. We lived in a flat for fucks sake, it's not like there is an office where this so called 'valuable information' could be stored. Anything and everything my mother did was her business and her business only. She always kept her work private from me, constantly hiding things from me. But she repeatedly told me that when the time was right, I would learn all I need to know. Whatever that is or how much there is, my mother never told me.

Ugh! All this detective shit is confusing me.

It doesn't take a lot Lea.

Not now you whore I am running on only three hours of sleep.

Lea you have no excuse. You are always so fucking oblivious.

You are so fucking annoying you bitch.

Pushing that exasperating bitch in my head to the corner of my brain, I flick my attention back to Lorenzo who is still seated opposite me. I raise my eyebrow at him as if to say 'what do you want to ask me' as I can tell by the look in his eyes he has many question. Actually, probably more like demands. His smirk reappears before he stands and returns to his previous seat.

Fucking weirdo.

The remainder of the flights consists of Carmen and I annoying the hell out of Lorenzo, Alejandro and I fighting that ends up with us both in a headlock, Diego bragging about some boy he has a major crush on and us all discovering that Ruben has a secret girlfriend although he won't tell us who she is. It's fine I will find out; I always do.

Eventually we land in London, once we all depart the plane the heavens open up drenching us all in rain.

Oh how I missed British weather.


If any of you are from England you will know what Lea is talking about.

Also sorry for the slow updated, I have been busy at school with a load of tests. I will try to updated again on Sunday.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.

Until next time - N

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