23]Christmas Ball

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As soon as we enter the building, two men - who I assume are bodyguards - escort us to where the Christmas Ball was being held. The two men open these large oak doors revealing a beautifully embellished ballroom, placed in the centre of the room is a large Christmas tree easily 16 feet tall, in not more, decorated with gold tinsel, gold glittery baubles, glowing lights and a gold bright star at the top (matching the gold furnished room). Lorenzo wraps his arm around my waist possessively, and even though he is only doing it because we are in a room full of mafia men, butterflies still manage to explode in my stomach. Looking around the room, I don't think I've ever felt so out of my depth in my life.

Suck it up Lea, there's no time to overthink things.

"Lorenzo, is that you? What the fuck are you doing here?" A female's voice asks from behind us. We both turn around and see a women with black tight curls, brown eyes, dark skin and a tattoo written in italic that says 'A dor faz um guerreiro' meaning pain makes a warrior. She takes a quick glance towards me but focuses her attention on Lorenzo, ignoring the fact that I'm here.


I recognise her though, but I can't figure out where.

"It wasn't by choice, I'm not planning on staying in this shit hole for long."Lorenzo complains as he rolls his eyes.

"Well it is your choice and you don't have to be here, but you started sulking like a fucking baby when I said I'd take Andrés instead, so suck it up Lucifer." I retort glaring back at him, to which Lorenzo ends up rolling his eyes already looking fed up with me and my attitude. Although, like I said he didn't have to be here.

"This one doesn't seem to be very good at keeping her mouth shut, Torres."This bitch sniggers looking down at me like I'm one of his hookers; the only thing true about what she has said is that I am not very good at keeping my mouth shut, so there is no way she is getting away with treating me like one of his bloody hookers.

"Good thing 'this one' is the princess to the Spanish mafia and not a hooker. isn't it?" I enlighten her as I stand up straighter and fold my arms over my chest. However her face doesn't drop like I thought it would, but rather it lights up like she's happy to see me.

"Oh so you're Lea, my boyfriend's long lost sister. Nice to meet you, I'm Maya. Maya Delgado." She smiles whilst holding out her hand, after I shake her hand Maya disappears to go find Ruben.

Moments later, a lot of the guests move to the dance floor but when Lorenzo follows taking me with him, it cashes me by surprise that is until he whispers in my ear.

"Nos iremos durante el discurso de Viktor, pero por ahora tenemos que mezclarnos."(We'll leave during Viktor's speech, but for now we have to blend in) So I don't respond and keeping looking forward, to make sure we blend in. Lorenzo stands in front of me before placing his other hand on my waist and I place my arms around his neck, when the music starts he takes the lead guiding me around the room. Normally I would never willingly let him take the lead in anything, but I've never danced a day in my life so I'll let him off this once. His eyes bore into mine - I don't know why but my heart starts to race the longer we dance and I don't want this moment to end.

Neither of us break eye contact with each other the entire time we are dancing, I almost didn't notice the music stopped the only reason I did was because Lorenzo stopped dancing.

"Haz lo que te digo y lo que sea que hagas, no te vayas de mi lado, joder."(Do as I say and whatever you do don't fucking leave my side) He whispers into my ear again, then guides me out of the ballroom, although when we reach the doors two guards step in front of us, blocking the way.

"Where are you going?"One of them asks with a thick Russian accent.

"I'm taking this one back home with me." Lorenzo tells him whilst nodding his head towards me, you have no idea how difficult it is to keep my bloody mouth shut and my face neutral at the moment. But by some miracle I do and by some even bigger miracle the guards step out the way to let us through. Once we get through the doors, we walk down a corridor that has a lift at the end of it, when the doors open Lorenzo seems to know exactly what floor to press.

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