Rest from se Cast

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An elf...

Gwaedothand (kurz Gwaedo) - Jørn Benzon

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Gwaedothand (kurz Gwaedo) - Jørn Benzon

,,Courage is the best defense, you have now"


The Chief...oder so ähnlich..

Gandalf the Grey - Ian McKellen

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Gandalf the Grey - Ian McKellen

,,You shall not pass!"


The one and only King

Aragorn - Viggo Mortenson

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Aragorn - Viggo Mortenson

,,The day might come, when man fail, but this day is not today!"


Mr. I'm not my grandfather

Thorin Oakenshield - Richard Armitage

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Thorin Oakenshield - Richard Armitage

,,Am I not the King?"

The Dwarves:
Dwalin - Graham McTavish
Balin - Kenn Scott
Kili - Aidan Turner
Fili - Dean O'Gorman
...und Rest


the Dragonslayer
Bard - Luke Evans

The Burglar
Bilbo Beutlin - Martin Freeman

I am fire...
Smaug - Benedict Cumberbatch

Gollum - Andy Serkis

The false mother
Celebrián Celeborniël - Eve Best


And Last but not least:

The angry one

Sciathar (kurz Scia) Scarrí

,,What I am to you?" He asked.


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