*¬*Chapter Seven*¬*

Bắt đầu từ đầu

It's my turn to frown, "But I haven't agreed to this. I was actually about to say-"

"Yes?" He turns to me, his eyes bright. "No. I was actually about to say no and I was trying to find a gentle way of telling you." Augustus pauses, then clears his throat and rumbles, "No? You were going to say no?"

I nod, "Yeah, sorry Augusuts. I just... I don't see you in that way." He snarls, "I don't see you in that way either, I just know you'd make a perfect power match for me. It has nothing to do with romance. You'd be my bride and you'll carry my children, that's it. That's your purpose."

I blink, "Pardon me?" Anger burns beneath my skin, but it's nothing compared to the ferocity I see on Kaz's face. "Augustus, apologize."

His brother snarls, "No. I'm tired of listening to you. Of being overlooked. I will have what I want, no matter the means it takes to get it." I swallow, my heart skipping beats in my chest. "Augustus, if you cannot behave I will be forced to take matters into my own hands."

"You keep saying that, but you never do anything. You always just sit there and watch. Watch as I take what's yours, watch as I hurt people and do terrible things. You're weak Kaz, you always have been. You don't deserve to rule this kingdom."

I blink, is this seriously happening right now? Are these two about to have a fight in my bedroom? What the hell is going on?

Sitting in silence I observe the two High Lords as the glare at each other. The room begins to crack with energy, the lights flickering as both males become heated.

Augustus, I will not ask you again. Leave."

Augustus stands his ground and throws his shoulders back, "No." Lighting cracks outside, causing me to jump. It wasn't storming moments before. The lightning makes me think of the storm that appeared at my home all those days ago, when Kazimir came to collect me. Is he doing this?

Staring at the two males in my room, all I can do is sit in silence and wait wondering who is going to make the next move.

Both males are staring at each other, not moving. I'm not even sure if they're breathing. The air is charged with power, static energy that's making my skin tingle. "Guys?" I call out, my voice snapping through the room, but neither of them turn to me. "Augustus? Kazimir? Is this really necessary?" More silence. More tension.

"I'm not fighting you brother, this is ridiculous. I'm head of the this house and you will fall in line." Kaz's voice ripples through the room, like a knife slicing through a canvas. My heart is in my throat, I need them to get out of my room.

"I am going to fight you, this has been a long time coming."

"If you insist on being stupid, then take it outside." Thank God. My sigh is loud but I don't care, they need to get out. This needs to stop.

Augustus pauses but then flicks his head to the side, "Fine. Let's go. Althea, you're staying here, watching from the balcony."

I blink, how dare he! Who does he think he is, bossing me around like that? "I will go where I please, thank you." Kaz is expressionless but I see his lip quirk at the corner, as if my response amused him. The thought of him enjoying my sarcasm sends waves of warmth crashing through me, I don't like it.

Without another word, Kazimir snaps his fingers and both males vanish, only a slight rustling sound to leave proof of their exit. Sighing, I lean back in bed not caring where they went or what they're doing.

My hunger comes back tenfold and I put all my focus on that instead. Devouring my meal, I wipe the side of my mouth when I've finished and place the dish back onto my desk. I'm about to lay back down when I hear thunder boom in the distance, a clap of lightning following suit after. Turning to my window, I throw the blankets off and toss my legs over the side of my bed. Forcing my sore body upwards, I limp towards the window, opening the balcony doors and stepping out. Harsh winds greet me, whipping my hair into my face and causing me to stumble back a step. Making my way to the edge of the balcony, I peer over and see both males standing in the middle of the courtyard. Their stances lazy yet ready to strike.

A Kingdom of BloodshedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ