Chapter 17 - Rehabilitation

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But Slum remained silent and glared at Shepp. Didn't seem like Slum would believe his apology but something was different on him, Moon realized behind him. He seemed to be calmer.

For a little while.

He began to float up, a red glow appeared on his body and the environment changed to a black void for everyone inside the medbay. Every bean, mortal and immortal stopped with fighting to realize what just happened with their surroundings. Even Captain Spec who had his grab on Pitch, was confused.

"I can't believe you", Slum admitted and summoned every past memory which he shared with Shepp. They were shown around them in a rectangle shape. But the cash was, that those memories were only bad ones. Sweat drops appeared on Shepp. Everyone let go of their current grab to pay attention to Slum. "How should I believe your apology, after everything you've done to me. Look around. Look at each of those bad memories which I shared with you, Shepp."

The orange one sighed.

"I know. I know!", He shouted. "I can't forgive myself for what I did to you either. I admit it. But I'm trying my hardest, right in this moment to make you realize that I'm truly sorry!"

Shepp laid Zin and Tin carefully to the black ground and swiveled himself to point at each of those memories whilst he said: "Each of those memories, Slum, I'm deeply sorry about each of those memories!"

An unexpected tear appeared on Shepp's visor which made Slum finally realize that he meant it. That he truly meant his apology. Even Zin and Tin shared a tear. Something inside Slum's body warmed up and Spec in the distance couldn't believe his visor: on Slum's ghost tail brightened up white sparkles. Tiny ones which began to grow bigger the more Slum accepted his apology in silence. The memories around them had the same effects and vanished slowly.

"Do you truly mean your apology, Shepp?" Slum asked as the particles reached half of his body. Half of his body faded within the sparkles.

"Yes, yes! I truly mean it!" Shepp shouted with more tears in his visor.

Moon behind his back walked gingerly towards him and let go of Starla's hug for a while to softly touch Slum's back and said gently: "We'll always remember you, Slimey."

With that, brightened the sparkles up and let Slum slowly fade away, forever. His soul finally found his inner peace.

"I can't believe what just happened in front of my visor! AGH!" A sudden enraged voice ran through everyone's ears. It was Spec who's livid grew intensely by knowing that he lost a crew member. He couldn't and didn't want to accept what just happened.

He rushed towards Shepp's direction to attack him with full force. But someone else interrupted in time and blocked his way: it was Saros who straight up activated a summoning spell in front of Spec.

"STOP!" Saros shouted and Spec hovered back. The wizard was panting, he gasped for air after the spell was done. Spec wasn't sure what his visor detected in front of him.

He was in shock to see the ghostly outlines from familiar faces; Mazu and Viola.

Was he totally insane now? How could the warlock get his past partners just like that back?! How was that possible? Spec floated backwards. He refused to accept the presences of his previous partners. He shook irritated his head and tried to wipe them off.

"No... This can't be true." Spec refused to believe it.

But Mazu's ghostly body came closer to him and said: "But it is true, my honey."

A cold shiver swam through Spec as he heard Mazu's sweet voice again. A weird feeling began to increase. Everyone around them was confused what Saros tried to do there, Saros's visor glowed in an intimidating red while he casted that spell. He was controlling Viola and Mazu in hope to rehabilitate him this way.

"We are here, with you again", The banana-colored ghost declared. "My husband, you're always inside our hearts. In our memory. Even my baby would have loved to have such a great father like you."

"AGGH! Stop this madness!" Spec howled out loud and still gave all his best to wipe them off his view. But he couldn't. They kept talking.

"There is no madness, my blueberry", Viola soothed him down. "Just you and us. You know, I appreciated it that you gave our new love a try again after your first passed away. I deeply love you. Even after what happened."

But Spec turned himself wildly around to not look at them any longer. He covered his face in frustration, he refused to feel that increasing warmth inside his body. Some sparkles began to glow under his ghost tail but thanks to his determination to shake those feelings off, the sparkles disappeared.

"No... You two aren't real!" The demonic ghost figured out and Saros behind them got concerned as he heard that. Saros tried it again with Mazu:

"But we are, my love. Please, believe us."

"NO!" Spec snarled at them, turned around, held both of his claws up and forcefully stopped Saros's spell. Mazu as well as Viola vanished within black cracks until they shattered.

Silence was heard. Spec was panting fast, so was Saros. The wizard's spell got shattered by Spec's powerful emotions of anger and guilt. Saros couldn't hold his body balance after his spell got shattered, his visor turned back to his common blue and fell. Moon ran towards the red bean to help. Saros was still breathing but he fainted. He didn't move.

Everyone around them, even the Spiritwave members remained silent and observed everything from out a distance. They've never seen their own captain like this before. So emotional affected.

The blue immortal ghost had enough. He had enough to deal with this nonsense. As fast as he could dashed the ghost towards the warlock to kill him as revenge. For what he just did on him. But Captain Pitch couldn't let this happen, not after he saw how much Saros tried his best to help in their paranormal mission.

"Moon! Activate the sword!" Pitch shouted to Moon and reminded her about it again.

Without any hesitation activated Moon the glowing angelic sword. Spec got blinded by the glow and stopped right in time before the glowing sword could go through his body. Another silent moment went into the void. And Spec looked down to the sword. He had seen such an object before and knew exactly what it was:

"An angelic sword?" He whispered and moved his visor to Moon who held it up in a threatening manner. The top of the sword pointed at his throat.

"Indeed, Captain Spec." Pitch's deep voice raised up behind him as he passed by to get to Moon and Saros. spec followed his steps with his red glow inside his visor attentive.

Moon understood that Pitch wanted to handle everything from here and gave the black captain the sword in his hands. Something on this sword felt familiar.

"Give up, Captain Spec. Flee with your crew. Or else, you leave us no choice but to kill you. Once and for all eternity." Captain Pitch treated him with his deepest voice possible.

It took a short while to get the right words for Spec to answer. But in his surprise, he couldn't think of anything. He was speechless. Speechless to deal with such a powerful crew. His members behind him got concerned but were to unsure themselves of what to do without their Captain's next command.

"Captain..." Duncan said, speechless himself.

"No, Duncan. They proofed how strong they are. If that's their wish, then we must flee. It leaves us with no other choice. Blackcrow, farewell." Spec said his last goodbye, and vanished with his crew, together with his spaceship.

The havoc was finally over.

Special thanks:

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