Chapter 1 - be calm!

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You were a half breed well a breed of 2 kinds ometikaya and metkayina forest and reef,your parents must have been either for you to be born as a half breed,you body things of a forest and sea person you were diffrent to others,so once the scientists had found you at the ages of 3 years old they took you.

Ever since then you had lived amongst the science people used for there testing it was horrible the pain you went threw until you turned 9,you sat in your room you heard crashing and banging coming from everywhere,gunshots echoing threw out the whole entire place.

You stepped outside your room with your bow and arrow to see people "like you" even though they weren't they were just na'vi like you.
There was blood and dead bodys everywhere and you stood looking and looked at them you saw your favourite scientist you layed dead or half dead,she was a women who took care of your wounds and comforted you she was like your adoptive mother.


The people greeted you by gesturing with their hand from their forehead, extending one hand down toward the other (yes I copied that of the internet)

"oel ngati kameie" (I see you) they all said.

"Dad she's the one everyone has been seeing with humans I recognise that necklace" someone spoke.

You took your bow and arrow and pulled back on the string targeting the oldest man,"who are you and what business do you have killing here!?" You we're gonna shoot.

"Mawey, Mawey! We come in peace to take you back home" he came close and you put down your bow and arrow then took out a knife hugging your adoptive mothers body whilst pointing a knife at him.

You hissed at him.

"LEAVE! YOU HAVE NO REASON TO BE HERE" you were scared right now and didn't know what to do.

Your adoptive mother spoke she was bleeding out,"go,go whilst you have the chance child but before that..kill me please don't let me suffer any longer" you looked at her.

"No no I cannot do that I don't want to" you started to cry.

"Please for's my dying wish you must" she held your hand with the knife in your hand and put it to her heart.

"Do it,"

"No" you cried.

"For me please" you cried and put the knife in her heart closing your eyes,saying stuff under your breath.
She was dead,no response no nothing.
You hugged her tight not wanting to leave.

"Why must you come here?! now she's dead I had to kill her,now I must kill you" you looked At the man.

you hissed at him taking your bow and arrow and took the string bit back,you felt someone retraining you,it was a boy there son?

"LET GO OF ME" you shouted.

He didn't say anything and that man knocked you out,whilst you were out you dreamt of your adoptive mother her hugging you and singing you a lullaby to make you rest at ease.

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