It's an inside joke between him and mom; mom only seems to bring trouble into his life. And they won't tell us what it means, but I guess that's why it's an inside joke.

"Where's Noah?" I whisper to Matty.
I watch as my little brother tries to clean his glasses before looking over at me.

"He's getting dinner. Mom sent him to get pizza because she doesn't want to cook." I nodded, hoping that mom also asked Noah to pick up my favorite sandwich that they sell at the pizza place.

Yeah, pizza is okay, but I don't like it that much anymore.

It's only because of how much we got it for dinner because Noah would always have his friends over and Dad or Mom didn't feel like cooking for all of Noah's friends.

When I notice that everyone is busy doing something, I decide to head up the stairs to take a quick shower.

Once I make it to my room, I grab my phone off of my nightstand before picking a pair of clothes from my closet.

I'm quickly starting the shower as I shuffle through my playlist, but of course I get the little notification telling me to get Spotify Prime if I want to continue skipping.

Throwing my phone onto the counter due to frustration before stripping off my clothes and getting into the shower.

I let out a hiss when the hot water beats against my back. The hot water always makes me miss the beach.

Well, being hot in general makes me miss the beach. I very much hate the heat. It makes me annoyed, but so does everything else.

Once I get done washing my hair and body, I get out of the shower, wrapping the towel around my body.

As I'm brushing my teeth, my phone starts ringing. Once I see June's name pop up, I swipe the answer and put it on speaker.

"Hey bitch." is the first thing to come out of my best friend's mouth. June and I have been friends since the 6th grade.

June is probably the rudest person I know, but I still love her. I'm spitting out the tooth paste and washing out my mouth so I can speak.

"Hey strawberry." I could practically hear her roll her eyes. June hates when I call her Strawberry, but it's not my fault.

She dyed her hair red. I could call her Arial, but she would probably be fine with it. She only hates being called strawberries because she is allergic to them.

"I'm going to cut your fucking throat." I laugh at her threat as I get dressed. It was pretty much the same thing I was wearing earlier.

It was a worn-out graphic tee that I thrifted and a pair of black shorts. If I'm going to stay home all day, then I'm going to wear something comfy.

Yeah, I'm not going to be wearing uncomfortable clothes when I am at home. I listen to June rant about her day as I wash my face and dry my hair.

This is just our daily routine. June will call me a rant or talk about the group of girls she wanted to pour boiling water on. Or problems with her and Flora.

June and Flora have been dating on and off for, I think, 2 years, but I never really paid attention, even though I hated how June got treated.

But I also see why she can't leave. Flora was the only person to show June what love was until it didn't look like love anymore.

I remember Dad telling me that it is hard to stop loving someone when they seem to be the only thing you think of when you wake up and the last thing you think of when your head hits the pillow and the darkness consumes you.

I used to love when dad would tell me about his and mom's love story. It was beautiful, until it wasn't.

Mom broke my dad's heart. The way he described the pain that my mom put him through broke my heart.

I did understand why my mom did what she did. It was to protect him. But what Flora does is just to hurt June, which pisses me off.

"Well, I've got to go pick up Flora." I roll my eyes before we say our goodbyes. "Dinners here!" Matthias voice burst through my room before he slams the door shut.

I could hear him running down the hallway and down the stairs.

I was looking down at the floor when I felt something soft brush against my leg. There stood Nix.

Her soft fur brushed against my skin. Nix was a variant shade of gray and had just a bit of white on the tip of her ears, some on her stomach, and around her mouth.

I wouldn't say I dislike her, but I don't love her. But I think it all has to do with Nixs being a
Rivers cat and all.

She only lives here because River's dad is allergic to cats. And to my luck, she doesn't like anyone but me and Riv.

Matthias can get lucky sometimes. Once in a blue moon, Nix will lay with Matty. Other than that, she hides out in my bedroom or around my room if I kick her out of it.

You can't judge me; that little thing has the biggest attitude.

I was heading down the stairs with a fake smile plastered on my full lips. The loud noise of everyone in the kitchen fills my ears.

Everyone is having their own conversation. I take a seat at the island as I wait for everyone else to get their food.

When I spot my older brother and mom talking as mom gets herself a slice of pizza, I let out a soft sigh when I realized that Noah didn't get the sandwiches.

Out of nowhere, a white bag is dropped in front of me. I glaze over my shoulder to see the back of Rivers' head as he walks away.

I quickly turned my attention back to the bag. I feel my lips tilt up just a bit when I pull out to see the sandwich I usually get.

 I feel my lips tilt up just a bit when I pull out to see the sandwich I usually get

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Who's here because of Sweet Temptation?

Favorite song?

I'm slowly getting back in to writing so hopefully there with be more updates soonnn

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