xiv. how they are in school

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 i honestly think ej would be a teachers pet- but not an annoying one in any way, he just really likes to help at any chance possible and loves to spend his free time assisting teachers with different tasks

 he's also extremely open to helping anyone in need so he'd probably assist in things like tutoring younger students or forming cute clubs that can help brighten up the days of other students

 i feel like fuma would for sure be the kind class president anyone can go to if they need help, and he would for sure be the role model of the school but not in an annoying way, in a sweetheart type of way (if that makes sense 😭)

 it would be rare to see fuma not get top marks in every class possible as he would for sure be seen as one of the most academically inclined students- yet also one of the most athletically talented students

 k would be that popular sports kid everyone knows and looks up to along with captain of the cross country/track and field team, the coaches all for sure love this dude so much and probably even assign him the role of assistant coach 😭

 although he's a sports junkie k would be an extremely sweet and exceptional student to anyone and everyone, always offering to help any student in need and even producing pretty respectable grades in every class

 at first glance nicholas would put off a bad boy gangster vibe that definitely sparks rumors among other students around school, but in reality this boy would probably be one of if not the top student in the entire school- spending most of his free time studying or helping the teachers 

 if you spent your day actually figuring out where nicholas would constantly disappear to throughout the week, i feel like you'd honestly just find this man in the library reading a book or something, we all know this sweetheart isn't intimidating at all he's just more quiet sometimes 😭❤️

 yuma would FOR SURE be that performing arts kid who's super talented, it's not up for debate! he would for sure also be the captain of the dance team along with one of the most popular students due to his kindness and talent

 i also headcannon yuma as someone who would be really into musical theater and plays, i just feel like he'd get such a rush by being apart of productions as it'd be such a great opportunity to really show off his multiple talents

 jo would for sure be that quiet art kid in the corner of the classroom that's always doodling and only has a few close friends- yet a lot of admirers as he'd be that mysterious pretty boy everyone wants 😭

 his closed off demeanor would most likely be just a front that he puts on in order to not draw attention to himself as he just mainly wants to graduate as soon as possible without any obstacles 💀

 i feel like harua would be that sweet kid who's kinda just in his own world 99% of the time, always walking around alone while listening to music with a smile on his face, it's not that he's lonely or anything he just likes time spent by himself

 harua would have a few close friends at school of course but you'll mainly find this sweetheart just hanging out away from everyone else, sitting in empty classrooms or walking around the school campus while humming his favorite songs to himself

 taki would honestly be that popular class clown- but not the one that isn't actually funny and just annoying, the one who even makes the teacher laugh with his bright and bubbly personality and actions

 most of the time i feel like he wouldn't necessarily try to be funny, he'd just do a lot of stupid stuff 😭 (sorry taki) things like falling down in sports or asking a very random question in class, but nonetheless he'd be a sweetheart overall

 maki would for sure be that one student everyone knows and is friends (or at least good acquaintances) with, he's a sweetie so he's for sure known throughout the school as the kind boy who always says good morning and asks how you are

 he would make it his top priority to know everyones name in the school so he could always say hi to each and everyone student and teacher/staff member, always hoping to brighten at least one persons day at any chance possible

– december 30th, 2022

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