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Mephiles choked as he grabbed his neck in attempts to stop the burning. "You stupid fucking mage!" He choked out. "I've got a little surprise for you~" Mephiles jumped up and completely out of my grasp. "How did you-!" Mephiles stood tall and began to levitate once again. "You're all fools!" He yelled as a creature split the ground beneath us revealing itself. "It's Iblis!" Silver yelled. "We have to get out of here now!"
Sonic grabbed Amy, Tails and Knuckles and made a run for it. Rouge flew away leading Omega with her. That left Shadow, Silver and I. "I can't leave now, I can't let Iblis and Mephiles ruin this world!" I yelled at the two hedgehogs. "Y/n Iblis alone is far too dangerous. We need to go!" Silver yelled back in response to me.
My vision? It was disappearing as i flew through the air. My back smashing up against the wall, feeling the vibrations shatter through my body. Was i dead?

Shadows pov
"Fuck! Y/n!" I yelled as i ran towards her. Fuck that stupid woman was going to get herself killed if i didn't get her out of here. I finally reached Y/n and lifted her up off the broken bricks. "Silver! She's unconscious!" I yelled to him. " Fuck sakes! Get her out of here i'll stall these two!" I held y/n in bridal style holding her as close as i could. "Are you sure?" Silver nodded his head and turned back to the enemies. "Y/n please don't leave me. Please be okay."

I walked through the front door still holding y/n in my arms. "Shadow what happened to her?!" Rouge yelled running over to us. "Iblis got a hit in on her, a good one too." I said with my head hung low. "Oh hun we need to lay her down now." Rouge said as she ran towards y/n's room. "I'll heat her blankets in the dryer to keep her warm you get her comfortable."
I sighed before answering Rouge. " She's unconscious Rouge." The whole gang stayed silent for a moment. Nobody moved or said a word.
"She's the strongest woman i know Shadow, She will make it out of this." Sonic said with a tremor in his voice. "Yeah.. I really hope she does." I said before walking off to her room.

y/n pov
I jumped up out of my bed as i yelled and cried out in pain. My arm was shredded from Mephiles and from hitting the wall. I had burn marks and bruises from Iblis. It hurt so bad. I just wanted to rip my fucking skin off.
"Y/n? Are you alright?" Shadow said as he rushed into my room. I tried to hold back my sobs as i held my arm. "Shadow it hurts really bad. Can u grab me something please?" I said choking on my own tears.
"Of course i'll be right back." Shadow went to the kitchen to grab me painkillers and water. I took the painkillers and downed the rest of my water. "How is everyone? Did Silver make it back?" Shadow sat down beside me on my bed and held my hand. " Everyone's alright, Silvers pretty banged up as well but he's alright." I felt a tear slip out of my eyes. I felt so guilty. "Shadow what are we going to do?" The hedgehog sighed and moved closer to me.
"Y/n don't worry about that for now we need to get you better." I began to cry as i listened to Shadow.
"Hey you don't need to cry, Everything will be okay." Shadow said as he wiped my tears. I blushed feeling his hands on my face. "Can you stay with me? I don't want to be alone." Shadow nodded and opened his arms to me. I carefully crawled across my bed and rested my head on Shadows lap. "I know you want to protect your city y/n but i can't lose you. Please be careful." He spoke so gently as he began to play with my hair. "I know Shadow, You're special to me too." I noticed a bit of blush creep up on Shadow's cheeks. " I haven't opened up to someone like this is a long time, So please don't leave me." he said softly. I sat up to face the Ebony hedgehog before placing my hands on the side of his face. " I promise i'll be careful Shadow." Shadow didn't say anything back to me he just stared into my eyes for a moment. He gently placed a hand on the side of my face and leaned closer to me. The tension in the air was thick. The electricity between our bodies is so intense. Shadow slowly brought his lips closer to mine just grazing them gently.
"Hey Y/n i came to check on y-"
Sonic stopped in my doorway with his jaw wide open. "Oops! Sorry guys! I've over stayed my welcome, See ya!" Sonic said with his face as red as a tomato. Shadow backed up and we both let out a laugh. "What a dork." Shadow laughed once again at my comment before crawling under the covers.
"Come here y/n it's time for bed." I cuddled up close to Shadow with my head on his chest. " Don't worry you'll get that kiss eventually, just when you least expect it." He teased. I rolled my eyes at the hedgehog and laughed.
" Alright Shadow goodnight."
" Goodnight beautiful." He said before kissing my forehead gently.

8:02 am
I woke up to see Shadow missing from my bed, I missed his touch already. I got up and brushed my teeth before heading to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
"morning y/n!" Knuckles yelled from the kitchen.
"Morning!" Everyone gathered in the kitchen as we do every morning to eat breakfast. "So y/n? I hear you almost had a smooch with Shadow last night." Silver teased. I rolled my eyes and sipped my water.
Shadow walked out into the kitchen and glared at Silver. "It's not really any of your business is it?" He growled. " Well i mean when the doors wide open i think it's everyone's business!" Sonic chimed in.
Shadow rolled his eyes in response to Sonic and Silver. "Alright you want a show? I'll give you a show." Shadow said as he walked towards me.
"Shadow what are you-?" Shadow cut me off by grabbing my face and slamming his lips against mine. We moved in sync fitting one another's lips perfectly. The kiss was so effortless but so electrifying. Shadow slowly pulled away keeping his hands on my face. " I told you it would be when you least expect it." He said with a wink. My face was heating up and i knew it was as red as a tomato. I couldn't even hide that fact i liked him.
"What the fuck just happened." Sonic said after spitting out his water. "I kissed her, so what?" Shadow said cocking his eyebrow. "I can do it again if you need a replay?" He added very sarcastically.
"No! I don't want to see that!" Tails yelled covering his eyes. Silver furrowed his eyes brows at the two of us standing side by side. "So are you guys like.. Together..?" He asked. I froze and looked at Shadow not knowing how to answer that. Were we together?
"I like to be a little mysterious, I can't tell you all my secrets now can i?" He said as he smirked at me. Stupid hedgehog. Why did he have to be so attractive.

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