Iblis Trigger

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I watched Sonic's face drop as the Silver hedgehog reached the ground and started to walk towards him. " Shit Y/n think! " I thought to myself. " I will end you right here! You destroyed my world! " The silver hedgehog raised his hands as a teal glow began to form. " Fuck! " I yelled as i threw myself in front of Sonic and took the blast, My back smashing against the stone walls behind us. "Y/n!" I heard a young voice scream. " Tails you've got to get Sonic and get out of here now. " I said while coughing. That blast knocked the wind out of me. " But Y/n we can't leave you!" Tails whined. " You are no match for him! Now please go!" I yelled while pushing myself up off the wall. " Who are you? And what do you want with Sonic? " I said harshly as i made my way towards the hedgehog. " Well aren't you just a tough one? I really don't want to hurt such a delicate girl like you so please step aside." I laughed as i dusted the crumbled bricks off my clothes. " It's going to take a lot more then a weak fucking blast to take me out."
The hedgehog seemed taken back by my attitude. " A regular human girl? Not afraid of what she just witnessed? I'm impressed." He cooed. " I'm not so typical, Why don't you take a shot and i can show you what i'm made of." I said with a smirk plastered on my face.

The hedgehog seemed rather annoyed that i wasn't afraid of him. I watched him carefully as he raised his hands towards me creating that same teal glow. I had to play my cards right or he could easily kill me.
" Slow time down to 0.3x " I thought to myself. This only gives me a second to land a hit but it was worth a shot. I ran towards the hedgehog as fast as i could preparing to jump and kick him, Getting the momentum i leaped off the ground raising one leg higher then the other in attempts to kick him. I felt a burning sensation in my throat and i couldn't swallow. What in the world was happening. " Oh you stupid stupid girl, Did you think you were strong enough to slow time down to hit me?" He spoke ever so gently. He was obviously taunting me. How had i not realized time went back to normal! Did it ever even slow down? " I really don't want to hurt you." He said as he held me by the neck and brought me closer to his face. " Consider this a warning, Get in my way again and it'll be the last thing you'll ever do. Y/n " He said before dropping me in front of him.

I hit the ground and grabbed my throat as i was coughing and gasping for air. The burning was so intense. My entire life flashed before my eyes. I looked up to see the hedgehog had disappeared. Who was he? And how did he know my name?

Now wasn't the time to worry about who he is or where he was i just needed to get out of here as fast as i could. I took a second to finally catch my breath before standing up and fuck was i ever dizzy. I stumbled my way towards home hitting many brick walls on my way.

I had finally reached home. I really didn't believe i was going to make it back. I flung the door open and collapsed to the floor. "Y/n!" Sonic yelled as he ran over to me. " Oh god Y/n! We have to get her some help!" Sonic sat on the floor and pulled me into his lap. "Y/n? Can you hear me?" He said as he put his hand under my head. " Yeah Sonic i can hear you." I said quietly. " We're gonna bring you to your bed to rest alright? You're gonna be just fine." He said as he picked me up and carried me to my room. " Rest up Y/n we will deal with all of this later, i'll be in to check on you every so often." He said while tucking me in.

Sonic's pov.
I walked out of Y/n's room and went to find our friends. " Guys, Y/n is pretty messed up." I said while lowering my head. " Sonic i know what you're thinking but it's not your fault. " Amy said while placing a hand on my shoulder. " If Y/n couldn't stop him we're in trouble, We need to call a higher power in to help us." I spoke. " Sonic who would we call? " Tails asked very confused.

" We're going to need to call team dark. "

Y/n's pov.
I had finally woken up and my head was pounding. I had no idea what time it was or if anyone was around. I slowly sat up and saw the time. 8:07. Hopefully everyone's still around. I quickly changed into a black hoodie and shorts. I walked out into the kitchen to see everyone huddled around the island in the kitchen. " Hey guys, i'm alive " I chuckled.
" Y/n! " Everyone yelled before running over and hugging me. " Okay guys! i appreciate the love i said i'm alive but i'm still sore!" I squealed.
" Sorry Y/n! We're just so happy you're okay." Tail's said as he rubbed the back of his head. I chuckled before sitting down. " No no it's alright just take it easy." Sonic approached me nervously before speaking up. " So Y/n we have guests showing up to uh.. help us." I paused for a moment as i cocked one eyebrow at him. " Guests hm? and who might that be?"

" Ah so this would be the badass woman you told me about huh faker? She looks as feisty as you said."
I quickly turned around the face the ebony hedgehog who stood before me. " Uh huh, And who might you be?"
" I'm Shadow, Shadow the hedgehog. " He said walking into the house with another person and a robot. " I'm sorry about his attitude hun I'm Rouge and this is Omega, It's so nice to meet you." She said before pushing through Shadow. "He's being a show off, He's intimidated by strong women like us." She said as she winked at me. I laughed as i stood up to shake Rouge's hand. " It's lovely to meet you, I like you already." Rouge smacked my hand away before opening her arms. " Oh nonsense any friend of Sonic's is a friend of mine give me a hug doll." I gave Rouge a welcoming hug, I watched Shadow look me up and down as if he was examining me.

" See something ya like shads? " Sonic said playfully.
" Cut it faker. I'm here for business and business only, I don't like newbies. " He scowled.
I let go of Rouge and placed a hand on my hip. " Newbie? I'm pretty sure you're in my house, I suggest you watch your mouth." I replied harshly.
" Oh wow Sonic you weren't kidding! She is something else isn't she! " Rouge said while snickering. " We need another woman who doesn't take shit from that grumpy hedgehog!" She said as she playfully nudged my side. I walked towards the Ebony hedgehog stopping inches before his face. " I've heard a lot about you and i'm not intimidated by you nor am i afraid of you. Deal with your business and respect me in my own home." I said scolding him before walking off.

Shadows pov.
"I've heard a lot about you and i'm not intimidated by you nor am i afraid of you. Deal with your business and respect me in my own home." She scolded before walking off. I watched her hips sway side to side as she walked into the kitchen. The walk says it all, she's definitely a handful. I scoffed as i folded my arms over my chest. " Aw Shadow she really put you in your place didn't she! " Rouge teased. I rolled my eyes and placed a hand on my hip. " I could show her what i'm made of, not sure she'd recover though." I said before smirking a bit.

Rouge's pov. ( this is literally only here to explain shadows being so bold and out of character )

I watched carefully as i noticed Shadow bluntly flirting with Y/n in front of all of us which was very odd for him, he's typically quiet and cranky. It was sort of cute to see him so fired up. I needed to find out why he was being so forward, i was almost itching to know.

I'm so excited for this! i have big plans for this book! i enjoy feed back and suggestions!

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