two truths & a lie.

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Shadows pov

I was walking around Soleanna with the gang when i felt my wrist vibrate. The bracelet was being spammed with an S.O.S from y/n?!

"Guys! Y/n is spamming the bracelet ive got to head out!"
I dashed towards home quickly tapping my bracelet to let y/n know i got her S.O.S.

I reached the house and kicked in the front door as it was locked. I didn't give a fuck about the damage y/n was in trouble.

I ran into the kitchen to see y/n backed up in the corner with Silver basically throwing himself at her.

"She said back the fuck up." I growled before launching myself at Silver.

I launched myself at the hedgehog aiming for the back of his head.
I heard a crack as i watched Silver fly faced first into the cupboards.

"You bastard!" I yelled as i picked him up by the neck. "Don't ever touch her again."

Silver smirked at me before shaking his head.
"Did you forget about my special power Shadow?"

Silver flicked his wrist and sent me flying through the air, my back smashing against the fridge.

I rubbed my head and smirked back at the hedgehog.
"I think you forget about my special power Silver."

"Chaos Control!"

I teleported in front of Silver spin kicking him in the face. Blood splattered all of the floor. I quickly grabbed Silver by the neck once again bringing him close to my face.

"Disrespect me and i'll beat your ass. Disrespect her and i'll fucking kill you." I growled.

I turned to face y/n before walking over to her.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" I Grabbed her face gently and pulled her into my chest.

"Yes i'm okay, you didn't have to hurt him Shadow."

"I had to, Nobody gets to put their hands on you as long as i'm around." I said before kissing her forehead.

y/n's pov.

Shadow kissed my forehead gently before hugging me tightly. He made me feel so safe even if seeing him that way frightened me.

"You really want a man like that y/n? Someone so fucking violent?" Silver scoffed as he stood up.

I laughed before removing myself from Shadow's grip.
"And you think i'd want a man like you? Someone who throws himself at women so casually?"

Shadow let out a chuckle as his gaze shifted from Silver back to me.

"That's my girl." He cooed before wrapping himself around me once again.

I blushed as i felt Shadow's hands wrap around my waist. Silvers expression grew more angry as he watched Shadow taunt him.

"I know how to take care of my lady Silver, in more then one way." He winked playfully provoking Silver.

The ebony hedgehog spun me around before placing a finger under my chin forcing me to look at him.
" Now how about we find the others and go do something? Your pick."

Controlling the chaos - Shadow x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz