Yuri's mother laughed and beamed at her daughter. Yuris father puffed out his chest and eyed his baby with so much pride. Yuri blushed and looked down.

"You know my name. Yet what are yours?"

Yuri father bowed. "I am Yerevan. I make weapons for the clan."

Yuri's mother bowed her head next. "My name is Mar'ri. I make clothing."

My eyes softened at this. "That was my human mother's name..."

"Oh...That is quite the coincidence. "

I nodded with a smile. "The All Mother left me in her and male named Dr.Heinburgs care. She was a great women."

Mar'ri smiled at this. "I'm sure she was."

I took in the mother's dress and grinned. Her craftsmanship was amazing. I loved the Tawkami tribe style outfit she had on.

"Your clothes are so beautiful. Did you make this yourself?"

Mar'ri beamed. "Yes...I did. Thank you. I can provide you a nice fit for your ceremony tomorrow if you would like. I made a gorgeous one for Yuri as well."

I grinned. "Ohh that would be amazing. I would cherish such a gift forever. Your sewing is beautifully done. You must be part of the reason all the beautiful ladies catch great hunters eye's." I winked teasingly.

Yervan chuckled and kissed his wife's blushing cheek. "My mate is definitely talented. I tell her this all the time. But I'm sure hearing it from someone such as you makes her very happy."

Mar'ri blushed a dark blue and I could tell where Yuri got her shyness from.

I wasn't lying either. Mar'ri's clothes were goregous and I really couldn't believe people looked down on her and dare walk around in her exquisite creations.

I spent the rest of the evening learning about this small family and enjoying there company. By the end Yuri was less shy and even held my hand.

She began telling me all about her dad and mom's work and how she was well skilled in both areas even though she was on a quest to become a great huntress.

"I believe you will be a wonderful Hunter Yuri. One day all the people across the great plains will call for Yuri The Great to help them in great times of need. Just keep being a genuine person, love your momma and papa, stay proud of your heritage, and remember the world is yours to grab."

Yuri's eyes shimmered with happy tears and she nodded slowly. "I will make you proud Lue. I will complete all stages of my training and make it so."

I grinned. "When you finish your tests. You send me a message and I will fly here just to see your induction as an Adult into this lovely tribe."

Yervan eyes grew big and glossy and he hugged his wife happily. They bowed before me and thanked me profusely.

Yuri grinned determinedly. "I can't wait!"

I laughed and playfully nudged my new friend.

As I sat with them, I knew then they would be considered from now on a honored family. An would recieve the best pick of everything.

Zidii walked me back to my cave chuckling. "You truly are a sweet soul Ey'lue."

I raised an eyebrow playful innocent eyebrow. Hugging my new white ceremonial outfit to my chest. "What did I do?"

"That family will be honored for generations to come because of what you did. An there daughter will be cherished through there histories after tomorrow night."

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