Chapter Seventeen

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Kathleen’s P.O.V
I am about Five Months pregnant and both Sirius and I found out that the both of us are having a girl and we were nearly done with the Nursery  and Christmas was just around the corner and both Sirius and I were planning on having people over and Sirius helped me around the house before Christmas finally came around and Remus and my parents were the first to arrive before the others, “Happy Christmas darling.” Dad said as we hugged each other, “Happy Christmas dad.” I said to him before they put the presents under the tree before I went back into the Kitchen and continued with the food before I heard someone walk into the Kitchen before hearing them speak up, “do you need any help dear?” I heard mum ask me, “you don’t have to help mum.” I told her, “well too bad, you're getting the help.” she said causing me to chuckle a little before she helped me in the kitchen before we took a break just before James, Lily and Peter had arrived and they put more presents under the tree we had in the living room and both mum and I walked back and forth from the Kitchen until the food was done and the both of us set everything on the table before we all sat down and ate together as we all talked and had a good time and I sat there looking around the table as this was probably one of the best Christmases that I’ve had. Once we all finished eating, I was about to clean up a little before mum stopped me, “you go and sit, your father and I will finish up for you.” she said to me, “you guys don’t have to do that. You’re supposed to be guests.” I said to him, “and you're pregnant, now go sit.” she said to me and I sighed a little before smiling and I did what she said and went to sit down with the others and we all continued to hang out the entire time before we started opening the presents we had gotten each other. Later that night, everyone had left and it was just Sirius and I sitting in the room, “well today was fun.” he said to me as I looked at the tree, “yeah it was, I’m glad they were able to come.” I said to him, “me too, by the way, how are you feeling?” He said to me, “Just tired but I’m glad mum was able to help me with some of the cooking.” I told him, “why don’t I run you a hot bath.” he said to me and I smiled a little, “sounds nice.” I said to him before he stood up and walked away before I had done the same and walked into our room to grab something to change into before walking into the bathroom and saw Sirius putting soap in the water causing bubbles to form on the surface, “are you going to join me?” I asked him, “absolutely.” he said as he smirked a little before the both of us eventually got in the tub and we just stayed there for a while as we talked about today before the water went cold and the both of us eventually went to bed later that night as the both of us had gotten tired from today.

Christmas had come and gone and it was now in the middle of April as I was now Nine Months Pregnant and I’ve spent the last few weeks on bed rest before I began to feel a sharp pain in my stomach and it got worse, “SIRIUS.” I shouted before he eventually rushed into the room, “what’s wrong? Is it the baby?” he asked me, “yeah, I think the baby is coming.” I told him before he rushed around getting the things together before we managed to make it to the Hospital and we managed to get a room as the contractions continued before I noticed that Sirius managed to send an Owl out before the one of the Nurses walked into the room to check everything, “I’ve just written to your parents about what’s going on.” he told me and I nodded. After some time had passed, mum and dad rushed into the room just before the Doctor walked in not long after, “how are you doing Mrs. Black?” she asked me, “in pain.” I said to her, “I’ve looked over everything that’s been going on and it seems to me that you’re ready to have this baby so you can only have two people with you if that’s alright.” She said to me, “Well Sirius is going to stay along with mum.” I said to her, “I’ll be waiting outside with Remus.” dad said before he walked out of the room and I eventually began pushing. After some more time had passed, I finally gave birth to our daughter and they managed to get her cleaned up and made sure that her health was good before they handed her over to me and I held her closer, “what are you going to name her?” mum asked me and I thought about it before finally thinking of one just before dad and Remus walked into the room, “Seraphina Hope Black.” I said as I cradled her before I let the others hold her as well, “if it’s alright with the both of you, we would like to keep her overnight just in case anything happens.” the Doctor said to us and both Sirius and I agreed and we stayed overnight at the Hospital. When the next day came around, nothing came up before the Doctors discharged us and both Sirius and I were able to bring our daughter home and once we made it back I brought Seraphina to her room and just sat with her for a while before Sirius stood in the doorway,

 When the next day came around, nothing came up before the Doctors discharged us and both Sirius and I were able to bring our daughter home and once we made it back I brought Seraphina to her room and just sat with her for a while before Sirius st...

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“why don’t you go and get some rest. I’ll take care of her.” He said to me, “are you sure?” I asked him and he nodded, “yeah, if I needed help, I’ll see if I can get your mother to come over.” he said to me before I looked down at Seraphina before I stood up and handed her over to him, “I’ll just be in our room alright.” I said to him and he nodded, “alright love, now go and get some sleep.” He said to me before I kissed him before I placed a gentle Kiss on Seraphina’s head before I went to take a nap.

Sirius’s P.O.V
After Kathleen had gone to our room to get some rest, I stayed in the Nursery with Seraphina and made sure that she was alright before laying her down in her crib before I walked out of the room and cleaned up a little before checking on Seraphina after a while before I saw Kathleen standing behind me causing me to jump a little, “is she alright?” she asked me as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, “she’s fine. She’s just sleeping.” I told her as I brought her to the living room, “are you hungry?” I asked her, “a little, what do you plan on making?” She asked me, “Do you want anything in particular?” I asked her, “surprise me.” she said and I chuckled a little and I managed to make something for her and once I was done, I gave her, her food before I sat down next to her and ate with her as she also fed Seraphina and once we were done eating, we took care of Seraphina before putting her to bed for the night, “being a parent isn’t as easy as I thought.” she said and the both of us chuckled a little, “I didn’t think it would be to begin with.” I told her and the both of us spent some time together before getting ready for bed ourselves before checking on Seraphina before eventually going to bed for the night. When another day came around, someone knocked on the door and I went to see who it was and saw that it was Hope and Lyall along with Remus, “hey guys, come in.” I said as I let them inside before Kathleen walked over to see what was going on, “hey guys, what are you doing here?” she asked them, “we wanted to come and see how you guys are doing.” Hope said they hugged the both of us before Hope went straight to Seraphina and spent some time with her and I talked with Remus and his father the entire time as we talked about everything while Kathleen and her mother spent their time talking as they spent time with Seraphina the entire time before Seraphina had to go to bed for the night and it was just us as we continued talking to each other and caught each other up on what’s been going on recently and we all had a good time talking before Hope, Lyall and Remus had to head home for the night, leaving Kathleen and I alone and the both of us just spent time together as well before the both of us had gotten ready for bed and before we went to bed, Kathleen checked on Seraphina before walking back into the room and got into bed, “I’m glad they came over for a while.” she said to me, “me too.” I said to her before I held her close to me and after talking for a bit, the both of us eventually went to bed for the night. 

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