Chapter Eleven

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Katleen’s P.O.V
It was another day and after getting changed, I left the Common Room with Remus before the both of us ended up at the Great Hall for Breakfast and we eventually sat with the others and all just talked before we had left the Great Hall after Breakfast was over and I eventually made it to my first class of the day and once I got to Transfiguration along with a few others, Professor McGonagall began the class and we all just did what she said and paid attention to what she was telling us and once class was over and she dismissed us, everyone left the room and we went to our next class of the day and once the first fw classes were over, I went to the Great Hall for lunch and once I made it there with Remus and sat down with the others and not log after we started eating, mail came in and an envelop landed in front of me and I soon began to open it before I started reading the letter and I saw that it was from Sirius and my worry grew as I read the letter.

Dear my darling Kathleen,

I hope that you get this soon as I want you to find out as soon as possible about what had happened back home, my mother and I had gotten into an argument and she found out what’s been going on between the both of us causing her to kick me out and disown me. I want you to know that what happened between my Mother and I is not your fault and it will never be your fault. I love you more than anything and I want to do something special for you when you graduate from Hogwarts and I want it to be special just for the two of us. I love you and I hope that you enjoy your final year at Hogwarts and I hope to see you soon.

Love Sirius Black

After reading the letter from Sirius, I just walked out of the Great Hall before I ended up outside and once I ended up at the Black Lake, I began to cry a little hoping that Sirius was alright as I folded the letter backup and after a while had passed, I heard footsteps and looked to see that it was Remus before he sat down next to me, “is everything alright?” he asked me as I wiped the tears away, “it’s from Sirius, he said he just got kicked out and disowned by his mother although he told me not to worry and blame myself for it, I can’t help but do so.” I said to him, “I’m sorry, did he say why?” He asked me, “He said his mother got angry after finding out that he was still seeing me and that it led to what happened.” I told him before he hugged me, “I’m sure it wasn’t your fault. We all know what his family is like so it would make sense that something like this would happen when they don’t keep it in the family.” he told me, “I know that’s why I blame myself for it.” I said to him and we talked about it some more before we went back inside before continuing on with our classes before heading back to the Common Room for the time being and I couldn’t get what Sirius told me out of my head that I struggled doing whatever homework that I had to get done, “why don’t we do something to get your mind off of it all.” I heard Remus say to me, “we can try.” I said to him before the both of us did some stuff together like play chess or cards before going to the Great Hall for dinner that night and spent the rest of the night together.

Sirius’s P.O.V
After writing to Kathleen about what happened, I walked out of the house after telling Mr. and Mrs. Potter that I was going for a walk before I eventually Apparated and ended up at the school before I noticed Kathleen from a distance as she sat with Remus as I noticed her crying which hurt me a little but I was glad she had Remus there with her to be there for her while I was gone and after a while, I left after watching them walk back into the Castle and eventually left and I just walked around Hogsmeade for a while before I went back to the Potter’s for the night and when time went on, I decided to write to Kathleen again and asked her if she wanted to meet me at Hogsmeade and once I was done writing the letter, I sent it off with my Owl and let out a sigh before I heard someone open the door and I looked to see that it was Mrs. Potter, “how are you doing dear?” she asked me, “I’m alright, I was just thinking of meeting the other’s when they go on one of their Hogsmeade trips.” I told her, “well, I heard you have a special friend. Are you sure it’s not because you want to see her?” she said to me, “I’m guessing James told you about this?” I asked her and she smiled a little, “you guessed correctly. He always talks about it all the time both here and in his letters.” she told me and the both of us laughed a little, “I guess, I saw that coming. He kind of teased me a little about it as well.” I told her and the both of us continued to talk before she left the room and I just thought to myself before I heard her call me down for dinner and later that night, I spent most of it thinking of Kathleen before finally falling asleep that night. It was another day and I managed to make it to Hosgmeade before the others had gotten there as I waited for them at the Three Broomsticks and after some time had past, I finally found them walk into the building and walk over to me before sitting down and Kathleen sat down next to me before I wrapped my arm around her before we ordered what we wanted to drink, “how have you been doing?” Kathleen asked me as the others talked with each other, “I’m doing alright. I managed to stay at James’s place for the time being.” I told her, “that’s good, I’m glad you found somewhere to stay.” she said to me before I kissed her cheek and we continued to hang out for a while before we decided to walk around Hogsmeade together for a while before it was time for them to head back to the Castle and before Kathleen could walk away, I pulled her back before kissing her, “I’ll see you soon alright.” I said to her and she smiled a little, “see you soon.” she said to me before I kissed her again before letting her leave with the others and after watching them do so, I let out a sigh before I eventually left myself before making it back to the Potter’s place.

Kathleen’s P.O.V
By the time I made it back to the Castle with Remus and the other’s, we all went back to the Common Room for the day and we all hung out before I began to think about the day I had with Sirius as I was glad that he had somewhere to stay for the time being and after thinking for a while, I was brought out my thoughts when I noticed Remus sit down next to me, “how are you doing?” he asked me, “I’m alright. Better now that Sirius is alright.” I said to him, “that’s good, I’m glad you’re feeling alright.” he said to me, “yeah, I’m just curious what he wants to do after we Graduate.” I said to him, “he probably won’t say anything about it until then.” he told me, “I know he won’t but it’s making me eager to know.” I said to him and the both of us laughed a little before we continued to hang out for a while longer before having dinner and once we made it back to the Common Room for the night, I had gotten changed and just did my own thing for a while before going to bed for the night after getting tired. As time went on, the weather started getting colder and the Holidays were just around the corner and everyone was getting ready to leave for the holidays and I managed to get Christmas Gifts for Remus, Sirius and the other’s and after a while had passed, it was time for us to go back to the Castle and once we did, I put the things I got away where no one could find them except for me after wrapping them and once I had done so, I went back to the Common Room before hanging out with the others for the rest of the day. When the Holidays came around, everyone who was going home for the Holidays, I made sure that I had what I needed packed before leaving the Common Room with Remus and we made our way to the train and we all just hung out the entire time and talked about our classes and how they were doing as we also had a few laughs together as well as James teased me about Sirius before we eventually made it to London and once we got off the train, I found Sirius with James’s parents before I went up to him and hugged him before I gave him something, “you didn’t have to get me anything.” he said to me, “I wanted to now open up.” I said to him before he opened it before seeing that it was a Photo Album before looking through it of pictures of the both of us whenever we were together, “I love it, thank you.” he said to me before he hugged me, “that reminds me, I dropped your present off at your place if that’s alright.” he said to me and I smiled at him, “that’s fine with me.” I said to him before we had to leave and I left the station with Remus, Mum and Dad.

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