Chapter Seven

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Kathleen’s P.O.V
The Holidays were over and everyone who had gone home for Christmas had returned back to Hogwarts and once I made it to the Common Room with Remus and the other’s I quickly went to sit with Sirius as the both of us hung out together before he got up and walked away causing me to wonder what was wrong and I followed him before he ended up at the Astronomy Tower and I sat down next to him, “what’s wrong? You seem upset.” I said to him, “I had an argument with my brother on the Holiday and he found out about you, I’m just hoping that he doesn’t say anything to my parents.” he said to me, “there’s something more to it, what is it?” I asked him, “I’m just worried that if they find out about what our relationship is like, they might do something about it.” he said to me and I held his hand, “whatever it is, I know we’ll get through it, together.” I said to him and he sighed a little and held onto my hand before kissing it, “you really do mean a lot to me. I just want to wait until we’re older before we go any further with this.” he said to me, “That’s fine with me.” I told him and he smiled a little before the both of us continued to spend time at the Astronomy Tower for a while before it got late and the both of us had gone back to the Common Room for the rest of the night and eventually went to bed that night. It was another day and the weather was slowly getting warmer and I’ve been going outside to do my homework along with Sirius as the both of us continued to hang out and spend more time together and when it started getting dark out, the both of us ended up going to the Astronomy Tower to be alone together and the both of us would just talk about what would happen when we’re done going to Hogwrats and began to imagine what it would be like to spend my life with him before he brought me out of my thoughts, “what are you thinking about?” he asked me, “I know it’s a bit early but I was wondering what it would be like if the both of us ended up together and had a family.” I told him and he chuckled a little, “I’m sure it would be hectic.” he said and I laughed a little, “I can see that happening, especially with you. You’re always joking around with the others.” I said to him and we both laughed about it, “just so you know, you’re always a part of it all and don’t deny it.” he said to me as we began talking about all of the things we’ve done together before the both of us have calmed down a little before there was a comfortable silence as we both looked up at the stars for a while before the both of us had gone back to the Common Room for the rest of the night and eventually went to bed that night.

Sirius’s P.O.V
As time went on, I continued to spend time with Kathleen, I’ve begun to fall even more in love with her as time went on and I Couldn't help but look at her with every chance I got before Remus had started to take notice and walked up to me, “I want to talk to you alone.” he said to me and the both of us walked away from the other’s before we made sure that we were alone before he started talking, “I know you have feelings for Kathleen and I’m alright with that but I want you to know something, I want you to be kind to her, she’s never been like this with anyone before and if you do end up being together, just don’t take it too fast alright. I just don’t want her to panic about anything.” he said to me and I nodded, “I promise mate, she’s a good person like you. I wouldn’t dream of doing anything that would hurt her in any way.” I said to him and he smiled before Kathleen walked up to us, “what are the two of you talking about?” she asked us, “nothing you need to worry about.” Remus told her before walking away, “is everything alright?” she asked me and I nodded, “everything is fine love. You don’t have to worry about anything.” I said to her before kissing her cheek before we went back to the others as we continued to spend time together before they all had gone to bed for the night and I stayed down in the Common Room thinking about what Remus had told me before Kathleen came up to us and after a while had passed, I felt someone sit down next to me and I looked to see that it was Kathleen and I smiled a little before I held her close to me, “what were you and Remus talking about earlier?” she asked me and I sighed knowing she won’t stop asking, “we were talking about you. He was telling me about how you’ve never been in a relationship before and wants me to take it easy.” I said to her and she giggled a little, “he’s always been like that with any guy I talk to.” she said to me and I laughed a little, “I couldn’t see why, he seems like a good older brother.” I said to her, “he may have gone through a lot but he really is a good brother, always has been.” she said to me and I smiled a little as there was a moment of silence before she spoke up, “do you think we will ever last?  I am always thinking about what it will be like in the future.” she said to me, “I hope so, it would suck If something happened between us.” I said to her before she looked at me, “then let's make sure that doesn’t happen.” she said to me before I kissed her and she kissed back and before anything else happened, the both of us moved away from the kiss before the both of us continued to talk about everything and had a few laughs before it got late and the both of us had gone to bed for the night 

Kathleen’s P.O.V 
Exams were getting close and I soon began studying for them and soon enough, I began to help Sirius study for them as well for the both of us ended up getting distracted from our work, “you know, I’m surprised I was able to distract you for a while from studying.” he said to me and I laughed a little, “I know, me to. But I’m glad you did, I’ve been wanting to take a break from studying anyways.” I said to him, “By the way, thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it.” he said to me, “no problem, I’m glad I was able to help.” I said to him and after a while the both of us continued studying for a bit longer before we went to the Great Hall for dinner and once we made it there, we all sat down and ate together and laughed as we all talked together as well before dinner was over and once we all made it back to the Common Room for the rest of the night and continued to hang out for a while before it got late and we all had gone to bed for the night. Exams were getting closer and I wanted to go for a walk to clear my head and I ended up at the Black Lake before I sat down against a tree nearby and just sat there for a while just thinking and after a while, I heard footsteps and saw that it was Sirius before he sat down next to me, “what on your mind?” he asked me, “not much, just thinking about life I suppose.” I said to him, “you’ve been thinking about that a lot lately.” he said to me and the both of us laughed a little, “I suppose so. I’m just curious about what will happen after we graduate, that's all.” I told him and sighed a little before the both of us continued to talk for a while longer before the both of us had gone back inside and made it back to the Common Room for the rest of the day and I eventually fell asleep on the couch as I rested my head on Sirius’s lap and after a while, I felt someone shaking me before I started waking up before seeing that everyone was gone and looked to see Sirius was still there, “what time is it? Where did everyone go?” I asked him, “It’s late and everyone has gone to bed for the night.” He told me and I sat up and sighed a little, “I guess I shouldn’t have taken a nap.” I said to him and the both of us laughed a little before we talked for a bit before we both had decided to go to bed for the rest of the night and I laid there for a while thinking about Sirius and myself before finally going back to sleep for the night.

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