Chapter Five: Fifth Year

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Kathleen’s P.O.V
It has been a few years since Remus and I have started attending Hogwarts and James, Sirius and Peter managed to find out about Remus’s condition and the four of us were thinking of becoming an Animagus and we managed to do so over the summer to help Remus when we go back to school and once the time came to go to Diagon Alley, both Remus and I managed to get what we needed for school before we had gone to the train with our parents and once we finally made it there, I could wait to find Sirius before we finally found James, Lily, Peter and Sirius before we said goodbye to our parents and hugged them before getting on the train and sat with the other’s and both Sirius and myself managed to talk with each other the entire train ride before we finally made it to Hogwarts and once we got off the train and made it to the Castle, we all made it to the Common Room to change into our Robes before making it to the Great Hall for dinner that night and once we got there, the First Years eventually walked into the room and had gotten sorted into their Houses before Dumbledore began the Feast and I spent most of the time talking with Sirius until the Feast was over and once everyone left the Great Hall, I managed to slip away from everyone and sneak off to the Astronomy Tower and once I got there, I sat down and looked at the stars for a while and after some time had passed, I heard footsteps and quickly stood up and raised my wand before I noticed that it was Sirius causing me to sigh a little, “sorry.” I said to him before he lowered his hands, “it’s alright. I didn’t see you in the Common Room so I snuck out and went looking for you.” he said to me before the both of us sat down next to each other, “how was your summer?” he asked me, “it was alright, how about yours?” I said to him, “it was ok. Mother and Father are still drilling me about the whole being in Gryffindor thing and want me to be more like my brother.” he said to me and I rested my hand over his, “I’m sorry.” I said to him as I felt bad for him, “it’s fine, I can manage it. I just wish they weren’t like this.” he said to me as he held my hand, “you know, I’m sure mum and dad wouldn’t mind if you came by every once and a while if you ever want to get away from all of that or if something happens.” I said to him and he looked at me and smiled a little, “thanks, that really means a lot, especially from you.” he said to me and I smiled a little before the both of us continued to look at the stars and talk the entire time before it got late and the both of us managed to make it back to the Common Room for the rest of the night and once we got there, we had gone to our dorms and I got changed before getting into bed for the night and fell asleep with the thought of Sirius in my head.

It was the next day and the first day of classes and not long after waking up, I had gotten dressed before walking down to the Common Room to see Sirius sitting there before he looked at me, “why aren’t you with the others?” I asked him, “I wanted to wait for you.” he said as he stood up and walked up to me, “are you ready to go?” he asked me and I nodded before the both of us left the Common Room together and by the time we had gotten to the Great Hall, the both of us sat down with the others and ate breakfast before we went to grab our things once we were done eating and both Sirius and I had gone to our first class of the day which was Defense Against the Dark Arts and once we got there along with the rest of the class, the professor began the class. Once the first few classes were over for the day, both Sirius and I had gone to the Great Hall for lunch and once we had gotten there, we found the other’s sitting together before we went to sit with them and once we did, we all hung out and talked the entire time and had a few laughs together before Lunch was over and we all continued on with our day. It was another day and the Weather was getting colder and another Full Moon was getting closer and I managed to walk off from the others and make it to the Astronomy Tower and by the time I got there, I noticed that Sirius was sitting there and I went to sit down next to him, “what are you doing up here?” I asked him, “Just thinking. You?” He said to me, “I came here to do the same thing.” I told him, “what were you thinking about?” He asked me, “about Remus and the Full Moon.” I told him, “it must suck to do this every month.” he said to me, “I know, I worry not just because he’s my brother but because of this. It’s been Ten years since this happened to him.” I told him, “really? Was he bitten by someone?” he asked me and I nodded, “yeah, Fenrir Greyback. One night, we were all in bed sleeping and I had a nightmare that night so instead of wanting to wake up our parents, I had gone to Remus’s room and by the time I had gotten there, I saw something standing over him before I screamed before my parents rushed over to see what was wrong and the next thing I knew, Greyback bit him before running away.” I said to him, “bloody hell, that’s horrible.” he said to me and I just nodded as I remembered that night, “sometimes, I wish he had also bit me as well.” I said to Sirius, “What makes you think that?” he asked me, “because I don’t want him to be alone. Ever since it happened, he’s always felt like that.” I said to him, “how do you know?” he asked me, “because he told me once before.” I said to him and the both of us continued talking about it for a while before we made our way back to the Common Room for the rest of the night.

It was the day of the Full Moon and Peter, Myself, Sirius and James had gone to the Shrieking Shack with Remus and once we had gotten there, the four of us managed to turn into our Animagus’s just before Remus began to turn into a Werewolf and after a moment had passed, he seemed to be normal and we all managed to run around the entire night and goof around as well.

It was the next day after the Full Moon and I slowly started waking up and looked around to see the others were still asleep before I saw that I was covered in a blanket before seeing that Sirius was lying next to me with his arm around me before ...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

It was the next day after the Full Moon and I slowly started waking up and looked around to see the others were still asleep before I saw that I was covered in a blanket before seeing that Sirius was lying next to me with his arm around me before I turned around myself and just laid there for a while looking at him as he slept and I smiled a little to myself before he started waking up before looking at me before a smile appeared on his face before holding me closer to him, “I could get use to this.” he said to me, “is that so?” I said to him and he just let out a hum before the both of us had gotten changed after a while and just as we finished, the other’s started waking up as well, “did I hurt anyone?” I heard Remus ask us, “no” we all said to him, “are you sure?” he asked, “we’re fine Remus, are you alright though?” I said to him and he looked at himself before looking at me and nodded, “I’m alright. Just a few scratches and that’s it by the looks of it.” he said and I smiled a little before we all made our way back to the Castle and once we did, we made it to the Hospital Wing we were all checked up on before they all let us go and we all made it to the Common Room and as soon as we did, I went to my Dorm to grab the Chocolate before going back and gave it to Remus, “why do you give him Chocolate everytime?” James asked me, “makes him feel better, I think.” I said before looking at Remus, “it does.” he said as he started eating it and I began to think about the moment Sirius and I had earlier before the other’s woke up as it put a smile on my face and I began to feel tired before I fell asleep on the couch. I later woke up to see Sirius sitting there, “how did you sleep?” he asked me, “alright. Did you get any sleep?” I said to him, “I got a little sleep.” he said before I sat up before he put an arm around my shoulder and brought me closer to him, “how are you feeling?” he asked me, “I still feel a little tired but I think I’ll manage. How about you?” I said to him, “me to, still a little groggy” he said and the both of us continued to talk for a while before the both of us had gone to the Great Hall for dinner that night and once we had gotten there, the both of us had sat down with the other’s and we all talked as we ate together and had a few laughs as well before dinner was over and we all had gone back to the Common Room and continued to hang out for the rest of the night before going to bed as it got late into the night.

Book One: Mischief ManagedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ