Chapter 6: Illfang the Kobold Lord

Start from the beginning

Kirito: let us finish this.

Diabel: I'll aid him from here on, go!

Not wanting to leave his side she eventually stood up to join the ongoing battle around her. With a roaring current within her, she gripped her blade and rushed the boss alongside Kirito.

Kirito, taking on majority of the attacks of the boss trying his best to create an opening. Clashing against the boss left and right, Kirito activated a sword skill to knock back the boss. With great force he cause the boss to loses its footing stumbling back creating the perfect opening.

Kirito: Asuna!

As Asuna's command to switch was announced she zipped pass Kirito once more to attack the boss. With the boss bringing it's No-Dachi down to bring her down, with it only hitting her cloak, cutting it into two pieces and reveal her Chestnut hair. But this didn't let this stop her onslaught on the boss.

Meanwhile Muzan was able to obtain conciseness, taking in his surroundings. Only for his eyes to land on the battle before him. He thought that they would be able to handle the situation but that thought would be crushed as Asuna was swatted away and landed on the Black swordsman to soften the impact.

This caused the masked swordsman to stand up in anger despite his own injuries. Diabel was about to tell him to rest and heal his wounds but halted all action feeling how dark and sinister the atmosphere had become. No doubt that this came from the standing swordsman before him. Muzan took an intake of air before vanishing in a blink of an eye.

Asuna saw the boss lift it's weapon to strike her and Kirito bringing it down to finish the job. But a blazing impact forced the Boss to be pushed back. The swordswoman looked infront of her to see the one person that she has be-friended

Asuna: Muzan!

The said swordsman wanted to end this quickly, so he took a stance bringing his blade infront of him. Asuna soon spotted Muzan's Blade to become red but before she could question it, it was answered a second later. Muzan's blade began to be engulfed in blood red which signified that he had a sword skill in use. Asuna looked in awe at the display of art that was performed infront of her. What looked like a fraction of a second Muzan was already behind the boss, which it didn't even have time to react, resulting it to burst into crystal while a notification which read <Congratulations> was brought above Muzan's head.

The crowd cheered as they have finally beat the first floor. This marked the day where hope has been restored to the players and that this death game could be possible to leave.

Muzan was breathing heavily having the battle take a huge toll on his body, finally giving out he fell on his knees as it felt his body was begging to rest. A certain swordswoman ran over to him to help him onto his feet.

Muzan: you could need work on some areas but overall performance is better than I expected.

This caused the girl to summon a smile on her face. Handing over a healing potion which he drank by moving his mask over to the side slightly. The raven haired male then walked up to the duo to lighten up the mood.

Kirito: I thought you were gonna die on me back there, glad you didn't.

Muzan: your a bit rusty from the beta there Kirito, but you still did great yourself.

The black swordsman replied with a sigh before giving a small smile. Diabel soon came over to apologise and show his gratitude for Muzan.

Diabel: I would like to thank you for saving my life and to apologise for my actions as greed for getting the bonus got to me. How can I repay you.

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