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I had just finished changing into my scrubs when 3 interns came up to me.

" hi Doctor Blaine, Doctor Bailey said that one of us was on your service, but she said you could pick" the only male intern that was there said.

"Well alright, today I'm supposed to have Stevens but since Bailey wants to change it I will take O'Malley" The male one perked up at his name and smiled.

I nodded and spoke to the two remaining.

"You have to go to your Resident now to see what your doing today" they nodded and left.

"Well O'Malley I don't have anything interesting today so you will be doing my pre and post op charts until I need you" I said while giving him some charts.

He nodded and walked away.

I went to get some coffee and bumped into someone.

I went to apologize and saw it was Meredith grey.

"Doctor Grey we have to stop meeting like this" she smiled and apologized and I walked away from her, heading towards the elevator.

Once I walked in no other then Derek Shepherd was in it.

"So I bumped into Meredith again" he looked at me and smiled.

"Again, wow you must be clumsy" I gave him an offended look.

" how do you know it's not the other way around" he laughed and said.

"Because I know you, and you never pay attention when your walking" I couldn't disagree there, he had a point.

We nodded to each other when the elevator arrived at the floor and walked out.

I got my coffee and went to find my intern.

I found O'Malley and walked up to him.

"We got incoming trauma today, so get up and let's go" I walked away after that and he immediately started following me.

We got to the patient and he did need surgery.

Once the patient was prepped by O'Malley, we both scrubbed in.

During the surgery i I didn't let him do anything because he a baby intern, but he got to watch.

The surgery was successful and I for once filled out the post op chart.

After that the rest of the day was boring.

Au note: this was a filler because I haven't posted in a while, sorry for that<333

Scalpel (discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt