~3~ Nolan, Age 16

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Ellie's POV

"I just think that if you loved me enough, you would hand over the keys, dad....."

"Nolan James, my heart, I DO love you....I just don't know if that love can overrule Mary's well-being."

"Taylor Reed!" I sigh as I roll my eyes at this man of mine. He will NEVER change. If anything actually happened to Mary, I think it would literally give him a heart attack...And I'm not just talking about the minor damage I did to her a long time ago....I mean if Mary passed over into car heaven.

For Taylor, that would be hell.

"Ellie, why don't you offer up your car...."

"I did, and he wasn't interested."

"You know, if you guys got me my own car, then I wouldn't hound you for Mary, dad."

"The kid's got a point, Ellie Jane"

We actually have gotten him his own car, he just doesn't know it yet. Taylor and Wes went three hours away a few weeks ago and found one that is apparently perfect for him.

We're waiting to give it to him next week when the dealership is done with a few tweaks Taylor thought it needed. I think Nolan was pretty disappointed on his birthday when we didn't hand him a set of keys, but he didn't say anything.

He just keeps bugging Taylor for Mary.

"Ok, how about this. If you give me the keys and she doesn't come back perfect, I'll mow the lawn for the ENTIRE summer, and won't complain about it once.."

"Why wouldn't she come back perfect?" Taylor asks as he crosses his arms and raises his eyebrows.

"I don't know....Maybe someone dings her while I'm at the arcade or something..."

Taylor literally clutches his chest and shakes his head. "Have I taught you NOTHING? When you take out Mary you park in the furthest space, away from everybody. You should never park by anybody who could ding Mary...."

"Ok...what I meant to say was what if there's a freak accident, and hail starts pelting down."

Taylor cringes and shutters dramatically. "Are you trying to make me cry, Nolan?"

"Dad, please. You know how uncool it is to go anywhere in your mom's SUV?"


Nolan looks at me and gives me an ashamed grin. "Momma, I'm sorry, but I'm trying to uphold a reputation, and an SUV isn't the look I'm going for."

Taylor snorts, and then gets serious again. "You're damn lucky that you got your driving skills from me, and not mom...You can take her out, and if she doesn't come back PERFECT, you will owe me more than just a summer of mowing."

"What will I owe you?"

"Your ass, for an entire summer."

"You're gonna spank me all summer long?" Nolan gasps.

"Not literally, just initially......but your ass will be mine until you pay off the damages....Ouch I can't even say that without it hurting, Ellie."

"Okay, enough. Can I step in now?" I ask.

"Please!" Taylor sighs as he sits down on the couch and breathes deeply from the strenuous conversation he apparently just had.

"Nolan, you can take out my car if you want to go somewhere."

"But mom....."

"I'm talking, you're listening...."

Nolan silently nods and shifts his feet.

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