Arc 1.4 - Crown For One

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The entire kingdom was engulfed in a gloomy and sorrowful atmosphere. The ministers and officials of the kingdom all sat silently in the grand hall. The king's throne was empty, just as it had been the last few days.

This time, the king would never be able to sit on the throne.

Prince Nero sat beside the king's throne. He glanced at the two thrones; one for his father and one for his mother. He could feel the pressure of the expectations placed upon his shoulders and soon a symbol of such pressure would be placed on top of his head.

The king's death caught everyone off-guard. They knew that it would happen soon but they did not expect that it would be this soon. The officials struggled to contain the news from the public in order to prepare more for the unavoidable chaos. Up till that time, the people thought that their king was still fierce and lively.

The officials' struggles couldn't even last for an entire day as more shocking news piled on top of another.

The princesses all died one by one starting from the youngest to the eldest. It was unfortunate because none of the princesses were married. They were all delicate maidens who left the world without leaving a legacy. Now the only person with royal blood was Prince Nero.

The death of the king was already hard to contain. With the added deaths of the princesses, the news inevitably leaked and the whole truth was exposed. The kingdom was at a loss and drowned in grief and mourning. However, the information about the royal family's curse also spread quietly through the cunning people. Some thought that it was a perfect opportunity to try to overthrow the unstable rule.

"Your Highness, the crowning ceremony must not be delayed. The kingdom needs a new king as soon as possible," one of the officials stated.

"Indeed, Your Highness. This is a hard time but please understand the severity of the situation."

They all looked at the silent prince. The prince had never said a single word ever since the start of the meeting. His eyes looked lost and empty. The officials were reluctant to force the prince when he was like this.

Parchie, what the fuck am I supposed to do? I can't talk!

"Leave the talking to me."

Prince Nero's cold voice broke the silence in the hall.

"I know what must be done.  I grieve for the losses yet I know that this is inevitable."

The officials looked at the prince only to see that his mouth remained shut. The voice seemed to be coming from him but he didn't utter a single word at all.

"Y-Your Highness..?"

A parchment slipped out from the prince's robes. It floated in the air and made the words written on it clear for all the officials to see. They heard the prince's voice once again.

"I will inherit the crown for the kingdom. You need not to worry."

The hall became dead silent. Fear was present on every official's face and they froze on their seats. The striking blue words on the parchment along with the prince's voice shocked and frightened them.

Parchie, they're scared! This is not making things easier!

"Then I will explain to them. You have to follow whatever I tell you for this one."

Prince Nero stood up and slowly approached the officials. The officials felt like they were drowning in ice-cold water. The prince exuded a mysterious aura  which made them both curious and afraid.

"I truly am sorry for resorting to this weird way of communication. As you all know, my royal father and sisters were all inflicted with a curse. I assume that the curse's effect on me is different for it has only taken away my voice," the prince, er, parchment said with an apologetic tone.

The prince laid his hands on the big oval table in the center of the hall.  He had a frustrated expression as the parchment continued talking for him.

"Forgive me, gentlemen, I know that a prince who can not talk is not ideal to be king. For this reason, I had to use a royal family heirloom in order to communicate properly." He pointed at the parchment floating beside him.

Damn, Parchie! You know how to cook up a good excuse!

Magic was uncommon in the kingdom but it was understandable for the royal family to have a magic artifact stored for future generations. Although the magic artifact turned out to be a shabby-looking parchment, the officials didn't mind much as long as it helped the prince.

The officials cast a sympathetic look to the prince. It was already hard enough that his entire family died in one day yet he was still touched by the curse. They thought that the prince was pressured by the weight of the sudden events.

After discussing and preparing for the crowning ceremony and funerals, the meeting ended. The officials sent their condolences for the prince and went away to allow him more time to cope. It was a hard time for everyone in the kingdom and the prince had it the worst.

Prince Nero returned to his chambers with a sullen look. He sat on the edge of his bed and stared out the window seemingly lost in thought. The people in the palace felt that it was best not to disturb him.

Parchie, help me out! I don't know how to be a king! QAQ

"Just follow the department's orders and you will be fine."

Ehh... Alright Parchie, I put my whole trust in you!

The preparations for all the things were rushed. The dead were honored and buried properly and peacefully. Now, it was time for the prince to take his place in the throne.

The kingdom's magicians lit up the skies with a majestic phoenix, the symbol of the kingdom's royal family. The fire magic intertwined and shaped each feather and movement of the phoenix.

The people who were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the prince during the coronation ceremony felt that they were blessed. The petite girl from before clutched an obsidian ring in her hands as she stared at the future king with fiery eyes.

As the crown was placed on top of Prince Nero's head, the phoenix dove down and engulfed him. When the flame died down, his previous robes had turned into the king's and a pair of blazing wings emerged from his back.

King Nero turned around to face his subjects.  He spread out his hands and opened his mouth.

"I, Nero Pyra, swear to protect the kingdom and its people. May the divine phoenix aid me in my rule."

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