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I'm so sick I think I could puke.

Today some family members that I never saw in my entire life came to have lunch at my grandma's house.

Among them there was a child who was very shy and, to make him feel more comfortable, we started asking him about things he likes, for example football.

Then, out of nowhere, my grandma asked him if he had a girlfriend. Well, I thought that was quite normal for the amatonormativity society we live in.

But even though he answered no multiple times, she just kept insisting.

Like, she repeated the same question ten times.

And all the others were laughing as if they found it funny.

I just don't understand. What's so hilarious about it? Is it really that important of a topic that you would ask a first grader several times about it?

A first grader.

And then you have the courage to spout the "you're too young to know about your sexuality" bullshit?

Ugh, my stomach is revolting just thinking about this.

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