ExCuSe Me?

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Short story. I was talking to my brother about a novel (this mf read 3k chapters of a novel, I'm flabbergasted) and he suddenly said "what's the difference between aro and ace btw?"

Well that was unexpected. But I still responded to him with the usual 'no sexual attraction and no romantic attraction' thing.

"That's straight up bullshit"

That was his response.

I was so offended that I literally walked away.

Like, bitch I've been out to you for two years and not only you didn't do an inch of research till now and only asked when you saw a post on Twitter, but you also invalide me? Fuck you.

At this point I think this man just forgot. And sincerely I don't know what's worse.

And if the youngest (not considering me and our cousin) don't accept me, I'm never gonna come out to my family. And my binder-plan failed even before it could start.

You know what? I'm too angry atm, and I'm gonna do some chores before I go and punch him.

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