77┃lover and family

Start from the beginning

"Oh," she blinked and snorted, "You're babysitting? On Valentine's Day? That's... fairly depressing."

"Yes, but t-that's not the point. The point is," Lexie took a deep breath and exhaled sharply, "You know how someone just... gets you, very well. A-And he just knows you, and you get all giddy because he... because he knows you."

"Yeah. Mark makes me feel that way," Norah admitted. "But I'm assuming you're talking about Tim?"

"Yes," the younger resident sighed heavily. "I am... in love with him. A-And I have always been in love with him. And it's driving me crazy because he knows I'm allergic to flowers, and he knows when I'm making things up, and he just... He knows."

Norah smirked while the younger resident grumbled in frustration. Time to play cupid, she thought. "Then tell him that, exactly that."

"But he's-"

"Lexie Grey," she cut her off sharply, "If you think he had moved on from you, you're wrong. So if that means you're gonna sabotage his current... relationship or whatever-ship-I'm rooting for you. Because frankly, I like you much better than that eye doctor or something."

"Y-You think so? I mean, that he..."

"I know so."

❦ ❦ ❦

NORAH REVERSED HER steps when she saw Mark standing in front of a radiology room, staring at the scans in front of him. "Why is Kai still strapped onto you?" she queried, walking into the room.

"Let's just say I failed to drop him off at daycare," Mark admitted sheepishly. "Well, the nurses love him. Besides, he loves it if I keep moving around, and he never cried-"

As though on cue, Kai started to stir and fuss, and Mark narrowed his eyes at his son. Norah snorted lightly and carried the boy out of the carrier before he could wail. The small weeps died down almost at once.

"He's a Mama's boy," Mark let out an offended scoff with his hands on his hips.

Norah nodded in agreement and placed her hand on Kai's back while he started snoozing off again. "He is."

❦ ❦ ❦

LEXIE WALKED DOWN the familiar corridor, the same coloured carpet under her feet leading to the familiar-looking apartment door. She was bouncing Zola in her arms while carrying a baby bag; her heart was hammering in her chest when she rang the doorbell.

"One sec!" Timothy's voice boomed from within, making her more nervous than she already was. She heard the click of the door's lock, and it swung open. The confused yet surprised face that greeted her made her feel like her legs were about to give out.

"Uh, hi?" he spoke; she blinked when she realised that she had been staring at him wordlessly.

"I thought maybe the, uh, the girls could have a play date," she stated with a smile while Zola blabbered in her arms. "And, um, we could, uh... to talk, you know, about stuff... 'cause there's some stuff that I've been wanting to say..."

She trailed off when she noticed his hair was damp and the collar of his shirt was wet. "Oh, is... is Julian here?" she felt her cheeks heating up, "I-I'll go, I'm sorry to uh, bother-"

"I'm alone in this apartment, actually," Timothy finally voiced out, "I mean, with Sofia, of course."

"I-It's alright, I'm just... stupid of me to come here," Lexie chuckled nervously, already backing away from the door as if it were to greet her into a hellhole. "Um, ha-have a pleasant evening and-"

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