Me and Reggie meet the others outside the cafe, once we're all there we head inside. I tell the boys I'll be right back and start to head up to the counter where Mia's already looking at me. My heart does this stupid fluttering thing and it makes me feel funny.

"Hey, what can i do for you?" Mia asks me, her voice is slightly shaky but still soft and beautiful sounding. I probably sound like a creep, obsessing over a girl I just met. I'm just so drawn to her and I have no clue why.

"Hey Mia, I just wanted to ask you something." I tell her. She gives me an uneasy look.

"Look Aiden what happen last night was nothing, he's just overprotective. We've been through a lot." She explains before I can even ask.

"I know it's not my place, but you don't treat your significant other like that. It's not right." I deadpan. She narrows her eyes at me. She still looks so beautiful.

"Aiden listen, you seem like a good person, with good intentions but me and my relationship isn't your business. So please go back to your friends and forget about me." What? Is she serious? We just met and she's already trying to get rid of me.

"I'm sorry okay? I want to be your friend Mia. I want to get to know you. I promise we can keep your relationship out of it. Just friends who talk about friend things." She looks between both of my eyes for a few second then nods her head.

"Okay, friends." She smiles her beautiful smile and I can't help but smile back. "Now do u want something to eat or are you here to be a weirdo?" She jokes. This girl is something else.

After we all eat and we go to head out I go up to Mia as she's wiping down the counters. "Hey" I get her attention. She turns around to me and smiles.

"Hey what's up."
"I was just heading out, wanted to say bye"
"Oh okay, I'll see you later." She waves as I start to walk away.
Should I ask for her number or is that not a friend thing to do? Will she think I'm hitting on her? What if- I'm interrupt but her voice. "Hey Aiden wait!" She yells after me. I turn back around to her.

"What do you need?" I ask her
"Your number." She say quietly, so quite I almost don't hear her. I smile at her and she smiles right back.
I give her my number, say goodbye and head home.

As me and Reggie are waking to the car I get a horrible pain in my chest that makes me hunch over and let out shriek of pain. "Woah man you alright?" Reggie bends down in front of me.

"My chest man, fuck!" I choke out. This shit hurts so bad.

When I was 8 i had to have a heart transplant and it's been good ever since but a few months ago it started to get painful. I have to see a doctor in a few days to check it out.

"Let's get you in the car man" Reggie say quietly.

After awhile in silence Reggie speaks up.

"Who's the girl beck?" I roll my eyes at the nickname, and his nosey behavior.

"Mia" I say blankly.

"Mia" he drawls out "She's pretty." Reggie gives me a knowing smile. I glare at him which only causes him to laugh at me.

When I step into the house it's quite, which is unusual but I ignore it, it's best to do that. I shower and lay down in bed thinking about my day.

My mind keeps going back to Mia, her smile, her eyes, just everything about her. When I'm finally starting to doze off my phone pings with a message.

"Hey Aiden, it's Mia :)" all I can do is grin at the screen.

This girl is going to be the death of me, I'm sure of it.


Okayyyy so how do we like Aidens pov?
I know it seems like he fell for her to fast but I wanted Aiden to be more of a soft person, someone who sees someone's true side and knows when he can be himself with them.

What are your thoughts on his home life?
And Reggie?? Absolutely love his character.

Leave your thoughts and any suggestions in the comments.

A vote is appreciated🤍

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed📚

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