As Meredith led the man to one of the empty rooms nearby, many pairs of eyes followed them, along with whispers and mumbles. Hospital gossips.

Yet when the man winced as he touched the cut on his cheek, his eyes locked with a certain pair of hazels; there was something about those bright blue eyes that ignited something within her.

❦ ❦ ❦

"LAWRENCE, GO PULL OUT these files for me," Bailey requested as she shoved a piece of paper into Norah's hand. "From there." She nudged her head towards the office where Meredith and Mark were currently in; the intern was holding a mirror in place.

Norah stared blankly at her. "Why...?"

"Because I need something to do other than changing diapers and breastfeeding."

"But... why me?" she asked again.

"Because you have no surgeries to prep for," Bailey deadpanned, "And I because I said so."

Norah sighed and nodded. With wishes of 'good luck's and 'have fun's from the four other interns, she walked towards the office and pushed open the door.

Meredith perked up slightly when the other intern entered the room. Norah was squinting at the paper in her hand, trying to ignore the notably attractive man in the room whose eyes were staring at her.

"Hello there," Mark spoke up.

"Ignore my presence. I'm just here to pull some files..." Norah muttered as she walked towards the shelves to search for the files Bailey had requested.

"He's suturing himself," Meredith voiced out, her tone sounding fascinated.

Norah let her eyes drift over to the man in the room-okay, he is hot-and shrugged. "Well, plastic surgeons are arrogant b-people."

Meredith snorted while Mark lifted his head, his eyes narrowed. "What makes you think that I'm a plastic surgeon?"

With several filed in her hand, she furrowed her brows at him as she walked towards him-or more specifically, to the shelves located behind him. "Like I said: arrogant people."

"You're quite a hypocrite," Meredith interjected, her statement directed to Norah, who chuckled softly.

Mark's eyes followed the brunette as she headed closer to him. She walked past him and started looking for the files. "You didn't mean to say 'people' the first time," he pointed out.

"You'd rather I insult you when I don't even know you?" Norah merely shrugged as she found the last file that Bailey requested.

"Why're you pulling files?" Meredith queried.

"I think Bailey's getting bored of motherhood," Norah replied, turning to face her. "And to quote her, I have no surgeries to prep for." She shook her head while looking at the mirror that Meredith was holding. Mark was sitting in a somewhat uncomfortable position as he sutured his face.

"Can I just..." Norah placed the files under her arm as she walked over to Meredith. "The mirror has to reflect the light at that one specific angle..." she tilted the mirror slightly.

What she did not notice was that Mark was stealing glances at her at their not too close proximity.

"There-for the best view," she finished. "And I should go now... Bailey looks like she's about to hurl dirty diapers at me."

Mark's gaze continued to linger behind Norah as she walked out of the room. "Who was that?"

"Dr Lawrence, from my intern year," Meredith replied. "And you are not very subtle at all. You were checking her out without even hiding it!"

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