"Hey you, hope you're good in there," he whispers to my stomach and I laugh.

It's cute, but it's funny too. He's this intimidating, strong soldier that has literally killed many without hesitating, but he's talking with a baby voice to my stomach.

"You're gonna be a great dad," I say rubbing his cheek.

He half smiles and looks down.

I know he's thinking about Spider. It's something that's weird for him, he still insists that they are not related but the way that I've seen them tlk and how much he tries to get Spider to like him... deep down I know he just shields himself with the excuse that he's not his father.

"Let's hope I'll be there for this one," he responds and I smack the side of his head.

"Don't say that, you're obviously going to be there," I say protectively holding my belly.

Miles sighs and I know he's about to deliver more bad news.

"Now what?..." I ask rubbing my forehead and sitting a little more straight.

He moves a little so we're face to face.

"Look," he begins and takes my hand. "I've never had someone that cared about me or me about them before, let alone someone who kind of depended on me," he looks at my belly now.

"So I've never had to explain to someone else that as a soldier, I may not come back," my ears twitch a little and he takes my hand so I don't move.

"Anatuat, love. Tomorrow... after they hunt and word spread around, many people are gonna get mad and they're gonna come after us and you know, if I never knew you... if we didn't have a family then I'll be fine, I wouldn't care about anything because I'm a soldier on a mission and the goal is to make it successful... but now my mission is to keep you safe." He looks into my eyes and his ears are pushed back, just as mine. My eyes are a little watery.

"You don't have to take care of me, I can take care of myself," I say in a broken voice.

"I know that," he smiles. "But, if I can keep you from any harm then I will and if tomorrow anyone comes at us then I sure as hell with help you out first. I'm a soldier, on a mission," he repeats again and I purse my lips.

"I may not live after completing the mission but I'll make sure you do," he says.

"Shut up," I say and a tear falls from my eye.

"I'm sorry love, you just have to know that it's a possibility. I may die and you'll have to fight for yourself and keep going," he has to grab my face gently because I don't want to look at him.

"Don't die..." I cry out. He gives me a sad smile.

"I'll try not to, but you gotta promise that whatever happens you'll take Jake about the plans and you'll make sure these people can't do to Pandora what they did to earth," he says.

I wipe the tears from my face and take a deep breath.

"You know, tomorrow they may not even come. What if they gather and make a plan and attack us one week later or something like that? We're just wasting tears here," I say trying to be strong.

Miles nods and gives my forehead a kiss.

"Yeah, maybe nothing will happen," he says.


I'm on the deck when suddenly I hear them all coming out.

"To your positions, move, move!" The hunter is shouting.

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