"Please," I begged. "Please. I need..."

"We know what you need," Serena said. "Looks like you already bit off more than you can chew. Come on, we're going home."

"No!" I wailed, grabbing for the guys again. But they weren't going to argue with Serena when she was acting like that. I could see her hand shaking as she waved her weapon around, and I knew that she must be nervous as hell. But I couldn't even think about that right now. The only thing on my mind was the need for sex. Right here and right now, I didn't care who or what, I just needed to be touched.

"Some kind of party?" I heard Josh's voice coming along the corridor outside, and immediately moved towards it. There was no thought behind my movements, just instinct.

"Sounds like you–" he continued, and then froze when he saw me. "What the hell?"

"I nodded off waiting for you," Serena said. "One of these jokers thought it would be funny to push Lorna to try their drugs while I was out."

I wasn't listening to the words. I was trying to get Josh out of his clothes as quickly as possible. I was barely thinking at all at that point, just clawing at the guy's pants, desperate to unwrap him.

"Ste?" Josh growled, while grabbing my wrists to hold me still. "How much did you... Three skims? On a girl who could barely contain herself after one? What were you thinking?"

"She picked them up."

"We'll talk about that later."

My ears perked up then. Later. That meant he was going to deal with me first. I could only hope that was a good sign, and my mind seemed to be flooded with optimism for a few moments. He wrapped his arms around me, and I realised again that he was actually stronger than most of the cool rich kids at school. He cared about his body, but not as much as I did right now. I grabbed his ass and mumbled wordless thanks, but quickly realised that he was holding me too tight. I could barely move, and there was no way I could undress him like this.

"She needs to see a doctor," Josh said. "Seriously, this stuff puts a huge strain on your heart if you overdo it. Even worse if you're frustrated, it just keeps building up."

"They're bound to report it," Serena added. "Look, get her to my place. I'll call our family doctor. Hopefully this won't need more serious treatment."

They were just ignoring me. Well, Josh was holding me pretty close, which seemed to make the cravings hurt less. But it still wasn't enough, I needed something more intense to really satisfy me. But those two just kept on talking to each other, and all I got was a stroke of my shoulders, no matter how much I protested. I was still trying to fight back as they lifted me into Serena's car. But then the doors were locked, and we were on the move again. I stared back in desperation as the men vanished out of sight. I was already touching myself, desperately trying to satisfy those urges, but there was nothing else I could do.

"Call Dr Barron," Serena said. I didn't realise she was talking to the car's computer right away, but I wasn't really paying attention. I was tuning out anything that didn't directly contribute to getting me off. Not having someone holding me was physically painful right now, and I couldn't imagine any worse torture. I heard what she was saying, but I didn't think about any of it until later.

"Hello!" a cheerful voice came on the line, and that got my attention. It was clearly a masculine voice, even if he was probably older than me. I didn't care, that was good enough. My lust had built up to such a level now that the guy being on the other end of the phone didn't even occur to me. My thoughts were as simple as: Man. Need.

"Hey, doc," Serena spoke. "I wonder if you could give some advice for one of my friends. She's inadvertently consumed... I think three shots of Skim. And really isn't feeling so good."

I couldn't keep quiet any longer, and the doctor must have heard my moans over the phone. I felt incredible for a moment, but it still wasn't enough. As soon as I could move again, I needed more. I didn't hear what they were saying now, I was too focused on my own cravings, and how I could get to another guy. The fantasies in my head were vivid and seemed almost real, but they just weren't enough.

Those feelings seemed to come in waves. The next time I could think again, I heard Serena making another call. I heard the phone ringing, and I wondered if she was calling somebody I could persuade to come and hold me. Then there was a click as the call was answered.

"Hello?" It was Marcie's voice on the line; not who I would have expected, even if I'd been in some state where I was able to think at all.

"Hey, Marcie. Are you home, or at school? I'm hoping there's somebody in the house."

"Yeah, I... the school gave us another day off to finish moving house. It's some kind of default, they assume you need so many hours to pack and unpack. We're..."

"Having some quality time to yourselves?" Serena answered with a little chuckle. "Yeah, I can imagine that's the best thing about getting your own place. And I doubt the school will care if you're not using the time the way they expected."

"Yeah, we just– What was that?"

A wave of embarrassment hit me like a train. I'd moaned again, and she must have heard me. Somehow, the humiliation only seemed to turn me on more.

"I'm on my way home with Lorna," Serena answered. "Some jackass handed her a bottle of Skim. You know what that stuff does, right? She finished it before she noticed what it was. So now we need to keep her away from the boys for a while, because she can't control herself. My doctor's going to be coming round in about ten minutes, I hope he can suggest something. But otherwise, I'll have to keep an eye on her until it wears off. And I think it's best to have somebody else around, if you two don't mind helping. I'm pretty drained after the shot this morning, I've nodded off twice today already."

"Wow, that's quick," Marcie answered. "I mean... Yeah, we're both here. We'll keep an eye on her. Should we come up to the main part of the house?" I heard a muffled voice in the background; Elspeth and Marcie having some little joke between them to reduce the tension.

"Yeah, please. We're nearly back now. But Lorna... If you're free, I could probably use an extra hand to get her out of the car. Don't want her running to the neighbours to beg for sex."

I should have been offended by that. But she was right; the only thing on my mind was who I could get to touch me. It didn't matter who it was, just how quickly I could get to them. Everything turned me on right now; a muted giggle in the background had set my imagination on fire with images of how Marcie and Elspeth might have been spending the day before that call. Would they let me join in? I knew I shouldn't even have been thinking things like that about my best friends, but the taboo just made it hotter, and once the idea had hit my mind, I could see them every time I closed my eyes. I couldn't help myself, and any fantasy was good enough right now. A part of me was just aware enough to be glad that Serena had no idea what I was visualising as I touched myself again, desperately trying to fulfil a need that felt like a bottomless pit.

When we arrived back at Serena's townhouse, Elspeth grabbed me roughly and carried me into the house. I couldn't stop the mental images of what she could do to me, and how helpless I would be. I was starting to realise how inappropriate those thoughts were, which might have meant I was coming back to some kind of normalcy. But I was still a long way from being able to respond to those thoughts as I normally would, and even caring about what other people would think was too hard for me.

The doctor would be there soon, Serena said. I hoped he would be able to give me what I needed.

✅ A Dose of HumiliationWhere stories live. Discover now