♡ A/N ♡

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      There will not be any smut, idc what you want, it's js very uncomfy to write. This is my first book, so dw ab any of the mistakes or errors in my grammar. THERE IS GOING TO BE A LOT OF SWEARING AND TW-ings. This story will only go into season 1 of AIB. Commitment is hard, so if i feel the book isn't doing good, or won't do good, i'll either discontinue this book, or delete it all-together.

    This book is js for fun, which often means i won't proofread, don't come at me. You can do wtv you want in the comments except hating of ANY sort. (ex. racism, sexism, homophobia, making fun of any religion, idolizing Andrew Tate, cyber bullying, correcting my grammar 🥱, etc.) If you do, I'll warn you first, then if you do it again, i'll block/silence you. But by all means, go ahead and swear, joke around, make fun of Andrew Tate, support others, do wtv. 

    Posts will be irregular due to different things, sports, school, family, self-evaluating, etc. Please don't be dissapointed though, i'm currently on Winter break. Some chapters will be short, some will be long, it depends how bored i am. I will have some chapters in my drafts to post whenever so js expect randoms. My first language is Japanese, so if there's any sign of like- Japanese culture in this book, i'll put a translation. (ex. nabe, translation: Nabeyaki udon is an Udon soup dish that is cooked and served in these individual clay pots. It is this signature clay pot (nabe) that gives this dish its name) I'll usually get this translation from google, or if i know how to decribe it in english, I'll do that.

   Alright thats all, thanks!

-v1x1es ♡ Have a nice week!

Arranged-by-love || Chishiya Shuntarō x [reader] ||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ