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"You think she's seen the photos?" Sebastian asked leena. "Yeah maybe. Has she texted you recently after you posted?" Leena asked. "Well no she hasn't texted me in awhile actually, it's unlike her. I think she's starting to leave me alone. Why do I feel so guilty though?"

"Because I think you can't help how you feel. You want her to be happy, after all she was once you're girlfriend. Is it because you think you moved on too soon?"

"Yeah..I just can't..stop feeling guilty. I did want to love her. We tried so many times to make the relationship work, we did. I didn't want to leave her but eventually i just got so..tired of trying. We tried so hard to be together, but even after everything it was too hard. I just knew i had to move on. She has to as well, I don't want her to be unhappy or miserable because of me, you know?" Sebastian told Leena.

"I understand, but regardless of what happens. It's not you're fault, I mean you really did try but if things aren't meant to be, then what can you do..you know? Maybe she just loves you too much to move on, but maybe she's finally seeing that she's better off without you. She'll be happier once she heals, I just hope the best for her as well because I know it isn't easy." Leena told Sebastian.

"I like that about you." Sebastian said smiling, looking into Leena's eyes.

"What?" She asks smiling a bit.

"Well..the fact that you can see things from both perspective. You care a lot about us, even though you barely know us."

"Well Sebastian..I don't have to know you or her, to help the both of you." She said smiling.

"Well you're right. It's just others wouldn't help that easily, you're extremely kind, which is what I like about you."

"I'm here for you." Leena said blushing a bit. Maybe, leena didn't want to admit. She was starting to have an actual crush on him, but she was afraid to tell him because she didn't want it to mess up what they had going on.

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