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Sebastian started going on dates with Leena and it had became kind of fun for her. She'd never done a job like this before, So it was really different. They went on all kinds of cute dates, just like couples would.

Sebastian and leena took many pictures together on every date they went on and posted it up on social media.

Sometimes mia would stalk his profile, and after seeing him with a new girl her heart was completely shattered. "He just doesn't care about me at all..I can't believe he's moved on just like that.."

"Are you still in love with him?" Mia's best friend Stephanie asked. "'s a shame I can't really move on the way he did. It seems he has a new girlfriend..and they've been posting every single part of their relationship online, it's like he wants me to see it. He never posts on social media, I don't know why the sudden change.."

"Look Mia, I understand you're heartbroken and you really love him, but you've got to move on, this will only hurt you more if you keep dwelling on the past, you and him had a beautiful relationship, but it's not always going to work out the way you want it. He's not the one, but that doesn't won't ever find someone, you'll find that special person soon, but you should really focus on you right now, not them." Stephanie said sighing.

"Do you really think he's doing this on purpose to get a reaction out of me?"

"I think he's just trying to tell you, to move on, because he's happy in a relationship, I don't think he'll ever come back and as much as that will hurt you. I think it's just a sign for you to finally move on. I mean it's been 2 years you know? Maybe..he just wants to be left alone. I know this is gonna be hard for you to hear but it'll be better this way. I hate to see you sad over him, he doesn't even care." Stephanie responded.

"I guess you're right, it's just so hard. I've loved him for so long. We've spent so much time together, hell we have way too many memories to ever forget."

"And that's okay Mia. You don't have to forget all the memories you made, you can still move on and remember all the memories you've had with him, because memories don't ever go away, their always there to stay, but to be happier you'll have to move on." Stephanie said hugging her.

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