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Leena sighed looking over at Sebastian. " that's not really how things work. When it comes to relationship just because you've moved on, doesn't mean you should expect the other person to move on right away. It's a little selfish don't you think? Telling someone to move on isn't simply going to help their process of healing."

"It takes time, especially for a year's worth of relationship. It may not have meant the world to you but for her it could've meant everything which is why it's probably harder for her to move on." She explained.

"Wait..aren't you here to help me? Why are you taking my exes side?" Sebastian asked looking at her. " because it just seems unreasonable that you're expecting someone to move on just because you've moved on."

" I mean I am here to help you, but that doesn't mean that I won't tell you what I think, because the point of this whole thing for it to work, we need to be able to understand each other, and I don't think you understand, this process is a lot to handle, and you're ex isn't going to move on right away just because you've found someone new. Doing this could also hurt her in the process, you have to think about everything."

Sebastian really thought about everything Leena was saying, he knew she was right.

He just wanted to see his ex happy and moved on rather than being sad over him, since he had been tired of it.

He didn't really think about how it would hurt her more, he only thought about her moving on from it.

"You're right.. I'm such a dickhead. I didn't realize, I could be hurting her even this, but then how will she move on?" Sebastian asks.

"You can't make her move on, you can't make her do anything. You have to go with the flow. I will still be you're fake fiancé, if you'd like. Just so you can take you're mind off her, and be busy with something in you're life. We won't do it, for other reasons." Leena responded.

"I understand." Sebastian replied.

Conner was speechless, looking at both Sebastian and this hot girl, argue. It was kind of fun for him, like watching a movie or something, but even better. It just seemed different though. His brother being obedient all of a sudden when told he's wrong, Conner knew his brother and Sebastian was never like this, he would never be this understanding.

My fake fiancé. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora