Chapter 9: A "fun" game

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Fact of the chapter: money doesn't grow on trees

Hey there, I just finished writing a chapter for my other book, and I was in the writing spirit so I decided to update here as well. Ok let's get started.


This chapter will probably contain torture and some gore (if you call it that) if you don't like those types of things skip to paragraphs with ">" next to it. 

Action: *hits wall*


Thoughts: 'no clue how to spell John cena nor do I want to search it up'

A/n: [A/n: "hey no fourth wall breaks"] or (wassup)

Random note: (sorry for not updating in like a month)

Whispering/puns: "idiot"

Writing: today I broke someone's back

Sounds: ring#

Music Lyrics: uhhh what, why do we need this?

Might Will add more in the future (probably)


Narrator Narrating

After the incident with Ringo killing "frisk" for flirting with his brother/best friend, he was scolded by Chara for attempting to kill the child, and almost hurting Rei in the process.

After chara scolded him, she told him to go back home and she'll watch over them so being the laziest person in the multi-verse (besides every sans) he went home and the second he got there fell asleep on the couch.

Why is he sleeping on the couch? Well he "doesn't trust the stairs", but when asked why by Rei he said and I quote "the stairs are always up to something" always earning a laugh from chara but always getting Rei annoyed.

As for Azzy/Rei/Asriel about 50 minutes, after that incident,frisk "asked" (more like him assuming she did) him to go on a date with her, well technically a play-date but still a date. Chara decided not to spy on them and went back home to normally find Ringo sleeping on the couch or eating a bunch of chocolate. What she didn't think was going to happen was to not find him at the house at all and a broken desk with torn up paper letter thing

Chara:'....where the heck is he? Also WHY IS THE DESK BROKEN WE JUST FIXED IT LIKE 2 DAYS AGO!!!' She screams internally, suddenly the door opens and Ringo comes in with the happiest expression she has even seen him have and his eyes weren't it's usual bronze (brown) it was yellow like gold, but then she realizes that he has blood and dust all over him.

Ringo: "oh, hey chara!" He said with a big smile "wait when did yo-" suddenly a knife falls out of his back pocket with a bunch of monster dust following it

Both: "....."


Ringo's pov

*15 minutes earlier*

'......I'm bored......WHY CAN'T I SLEEP?!' I thought to myself, ding# dong#. 'What are they back already?' I thought while getting up and walking towards the door.

Me: "hey welco-" I stopped myself when I realized that there was no one there 'huh strange.....oh well back to the couch I go-' my thought was interrupted by a piece of paper hitting my face. 'Why is the mail system like this....'

'Alright, what is this?' I thought while grabbing the paper off my face, since it somehow got stuck on it. I inspected the letter in my hand and thought 'Hmmmm i seems like a letter......wait' I turn the letter around and saw a heart thingy with some romantic crap that I could care less about

Storyshift: Stuck in my creation (author in storyshift)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora