•𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑙•

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"Ok who is first." Draco announces clapping his hands together.

"I'll go."I female voice says. I turn my head in the direction of the sound to see Pansy Parkerson.

Luna told me about her and her story. She was the Slytherin queen. Also one of the biggest bullies in the school and had a bitchy attitude. Luna's words, not mine.

"All yours." Draco says allowing her to spin the bottle.

She leans forward with a satisfied smirk on her face as the twisted the bottle making it spin frantically.

I wasn't lying if I said was nervous because you never know if it's gonna be you or what your even gonna have to end up doing or saying.

The bottle starts to come to a stop as everyone was watching intensely. The bottle was barely spinning when it came in my direction.

My heart drops but by a miracle it stopped in Victoria's direction who was right next to me.

"Ohh this is gonna be fun, truth or dare." Pansy asks Victoria.

"Mmm let's choose the saver option...truth."Victoria replays as some people in the circle boo's at her "dumb" decision.

"What's your body count."Pansy asks with a smirk on her face.

"Not sure too many to count."she says with a smirk on her face winking at Pansy.

"Yeah boo hoo you hoe." Pansy replies rolling her eye's. Everyone in the circle lets out a chuckle along with Victoria so I assume it's a...joke.

"Ok your turn." Draco says gesturing to Victoria.

She leans forward as she carefully spins the bottle.

The bottle stops on a familiar face,one that I recognize to be theodore nott.A small smirk appears on his face as everyone in the room was fully interested at the moment.

"Mmm I dare you to make out with the person closest to you."she say smirking as the blond girl next to him cheeks turned a bright red.

He turns to her and pulls her in for the kiss by the back of her neck.This goes on for several seconds as they progressively get worse,she was practically on top of him and they were all over each other.

"Ok you two take that somewhere else before we witness in real live porn."Victoria says as the two of them walk out of the room disappearing around a corner.

"That was definitely not traumatizing."I whisper to Victoria as she lets out a small chuckle.

"Well they are for sure not coming back so anyone was to spin."Draco says with raised eyebrows taking a sip of the clear alcohol that was in his hand.

"I'll go."A soft female voice speaks.I look to see a dark brown-haired girl not far away from me,she has astonishing green eyes with soft frecels across her face.

"All yours Christelle."Draco says gesturing to the bottle in the middle of the circle.She leans forward and slightly spins the bottle.

The bottle came to a stop as everyone in the circle suddenly tenses along with Christelle.Fear across everyone's faces.

I was confused till I looked up to see that the bottle had stopped in the direction of mattheo riddle.

"Truth or dare."Christelle says letting out a shaky breath.

"Dare."Mattheo says blankly.There was not one noise coming from the circle which made me concerned considering it was usually loud.

"7 minutes in heaven with the person across from you"Christelle says hesitantly.And that person obviously had to be me.She gives me a apologetic look but I just give her a small smile gesturing that I was fine.

Mattheos eyes suddenly land on mine as he gestures for me to get up and follow him.

I was hesitant but Victoria nudged me so that left me no choice.I rise from the circle as everyone's eyes follows my every move making me even more nervous.

I walk to where mattheo was waiting for me and slowly start following him to a closet not far away.

Almost everyone at the party had left so that left the Slytherin common room empty except for some blackout drunk students and a couple of other people just minding their business.

I look back at Victoria but she just gives me a hopeful smile.

Mattheo had already opened the small empty closet and was now standing in it.

I hesitantly get into the closet. He closes the door of the closet as darkness consumes us,not a single light in it.

"Uh hi."I say to break the awkward silence.

"Hey."he replied blankly looking down at me.

"Uh yeah I just wanted to thank you about the other night but I haven't spotted you since so it was kinda hard to like tell you earlier."I say rambling off due to my nerves.

"No problem."he says back in response.

"Yep..."I say blankly looking around the small closet to make sure my surroundings were safe.

"But like seriously you really saved my ass that day I could have been expelled or sum shit."I say.

Right before he could respond there were yelling and rumblings outside of the closet which caught the both of us off guard.

"Everyone run,night patrol!"a male voice shouts from outside the closet sending me into a panic.

I look up at mattheo to see him deadpan not giving a fuck about being caught and potentially expelled.

"Don't you think we have to get out of here?"I say in a panic as I feel the same red sensations appear in my eyes.

"Probably."he says blankly.

"Well then let's get the fuck out of here dumbass."I say quickly opening the closet door as the sensation in my eyes disappear.

We both step out to see multiple students rushing out of the common room or to their dorms.

"I'm out bye."I say to mattheo as I rush away from the Slytherin common room finding myself back to my dorm.

When I reach the exit of the Slytherin common room I find it packed with panicking students,too drunk to stand up straight.

I rush past them and through multiple other students crowding the hallways.I take a turn down the abandoned hallway to find it quiet and dark.

I could barely see anything but still found my way to my dorm.I take my keys out of my purse and unlock my door stumbling inside.

I turn on the lights of the room and went to get ready for the night.After getting dressed for bed I immediately flop on my bed and passed out knowing Dame well I was going to have a hangover.

Hi guys I am so sorry for the slow updates I am kinda busy but I'll make time for it like always.Anyway one of these characters are actually based on one of my friends IRL,Christelle so yeahhhh.But I also started writing on my computer but anyway bye I'll update soon💅.

𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥,𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤~𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔬 𝔯𝔦𝔡𝔡𝔩𝔢Where stories live. Discover now