Chapter One: Love Hurts

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Chapter One: Love Hurts

June 1, 1890

 Wellington, Ohio

 Wellington, Ohio

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   Sophia Lancaster paced inside a tiny room in the back of the church; feeling as if tiny small butterflies invaded her stomach. It was almost the appointed time where she would walk down the aisle to marry the man of her dreams, Dr. Jeremy Thompson.

     This is the day, nay the moment, I have dreamed about my entire life and it is finally about to happen!

Only moments before, she had asked her younger sister Rachel, her best friend Maybelle, her fiancé's sister Josephine, and her mother Lucinda, to wait out in the narrow hallway while she took a few precious minutes to be alone before the wedding ceremony began. From beyond the heavy wooden door she could hear them tittering away in excited voices.

     I feel so blessed to be surrounded by all the people I love and who love me back. Life just cannot get any better than this. Well, perhaps in a short while it could... once Jeremy and I are pronounced man and wife. Then life will be perfect. I have never felt so content in all my life as I do now in this very moment.

She walked over to a large oval mirror that was attached to a nearby wall and stared at her own reflection. Her veil was already in place and it covered her face, as per tradition. Even through the veil, Sophia could hazily see that her aqua-colored eyes were wide and shining brightly.

       Happiness looks good on me.

Her mother had painstakingly taken her time in order to create a classic chignon hairstyle. Even though several strands of loose curls had escaped from their pins, she still looked quite lovely. Her cheeks were rosy, and her lips were covered in a pale rose lip tint that her mother had generously ordered from Paris just for this special occasion. Afterall, it wasn't as if one were married every day.

Sophia smiled at her own reflection in the mirror and began to imagine this evening when she and Jeremy would finally merge their bodies to become one. She could not wait to begin a new life and start having children with him. Several dark-haired little babies with fat cheeks and bottoms.

A soft sigh escaped her lips.

     Perhaps this very night I shall conceive our first child! That would be so wonderful. I know Jeremy cannot wait for us to begin our family, and neither can I.

A small shiver coursed through her body with a veritable amount of anticipation.

     Tonight will be the night that I finally discover the mysteries of marital relations for myself. Of course, mother has already told me what I should expect. I'm not exactly a stranger to the facts about the "birds and the bees" as mother phrased it.

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