(14) Thanksgiving Drama

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A week later,

It was Thanksgiving day, Bucky had brought Nikki to the family dinner for the first time since frehsmen year. Ellie kept her distance from the two of them when she saw them come in. But that didn't stop him from keeping an eye on her. 

After everyone ate, Ellie went to find a far bathroom since they were at James Sr's house. Bucky seen her run off after eating and went to find her. He heard her when he walked into one of the guest bedrooms. 

"You are still doing it?" He said as she came out of the bathroom. 

"Don't.." she said 

"Ellie, please stop this. You are slowly killing yourself." He said 

"Just don't okay. Go back downstairs to your girlfriend." She said 

"Not until you tell me why? Why you do this to yourself?" He said 

"You don't want to go down this road. Now drop it " she said 

"Yes I do Ellie..tell me." He said 

"Because of her, your precious Nikki. In the 8th grade she overheard me tell my friends that I wanted to try out for the dance team and she told me that I was to fat to dance, and to fat to be a ballerina and guys will never want me." She said 

"My Nikki said that..' he whispered 

"Yes now please drop it." She said and left him standing there. 

By the time he got back downstairs, Ellie was gone. 

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