(3) Late Night Secrets

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Three Nights Later

Ellie couldn't sleep, and felt it was to much of a risk to try and smoke a joint. So she made herself some popcorn and grabbed a water to head to the theatre room. Not to long after she got up Bucky couldn't sleep so he got up. 

As he grabbing a water, he heard a TV sound he walked to the theatre room. He quietly opened the door to find Ellie. 

"Ellie?" He said 

"Oh, is it to loud? Did I wake up anyone else?" She said as she paused the movie. 

"No, I was already awake." He said as he sat down. 

She swallowed hard, "Um if you want to watch something else I can go." She said 

"No, this is fine I like The Great Gatsby." He said 

"Don't lie.." she said 

"I'm not lying I even have the book at home." He said 

"Now you really are making fun of me." She said 

"No I'm not. Why are you down here?" He said 

"I can't sleep, I had a bad day." She said 

"Oh..do you want to talk about it." He said 

"Why would Mr Football care about me and my problems?" She said 

He cringed at the nickname the school gave him, "I hate that label, and the other labels too." He said 

She looked down, "try me Ellie..' he said 

"Both of my best friends called this week to tell me they lost their virginities." She said 

"And you couldn't bring your boyfriend?" He said 

She let out a chuckle, "I have never had a boyfriend never even been kissed. Boys don't see me..I'm the forgotten Newbury sister." she said 

"Ellie..thats not true. How could anyone not see the sister in between Mariah and Maddie Newbuey. You are beautiful and incredibly smart. You could teach all of the AP classes with how quickly you answer the questions." He said 

"How would you know?" She said 

He scooted closer, "I'll tell you a secret..I'm in all your AP classes I sit in the back with my hood up and don't tell the teachers to call me Bucky." He said 

She looked at him, "James?" She said 

"Yup thats me. Nobody from my circle knows." He said as he turned the movie back on. 

After they both, got upstairs they went to their rooms. Before she went to sleep she threw up her popcorn. 

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